Friday 24 September 2021

What Is the Djembe? | African Drums

Speaker 1: Today we want to give you an overview
of the Djembe. The djembe is a very popular drum from Africa. It has a goat skin on the top. It's made out of a big piece of wood, one
solid piece of wood, and it has rope to keep it tight and to control the tuning. It has three sounds: bass, tone, slap, which
is low, medium, high. In the djembe music, one person plays accompaniment
(a repetitive pattern), and one person plays the solo. But first, Bemba is going to tell us more
about why people play djembe. Speaker 2: Yeah, people play djembe for the
celebrations, for the happy dance, for the wedding, for coming together. The djembe comes from Guinea, Mali, Ivory
Coast, and Burkina Faso. Those are the countries where they play the
most djembe. Sometimes people play djembe for people coming
together. It's different tribes and contemporary, people
in the village, they play the djembe for coming together.

Speaker 1: Let's play some! It makes people happy. Speaker 2: Yeah, yeah. Speaker 3: That is the overview of the djembe

learn djembe here – click

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