Saturday 25 September 2021

Crochet vest for boys 12-24 months and bigger up to 5 years LEFT HAND VERSION

hi everyone welcome to my channel crochet 
for baby thank you for watching and thank   you for subscribing in today's tutorial i'm 
going to show you how to crochet this vest   for boys between 1 and 2 years old now you can 
also make it smaller or bigger from six months   up to five years old down here in the information 
box i'm going to leave you some information on how   you can make it smaller or bigger so be sure to 
check that out also remember that my channel is   bilingual always always all of my tutorials are 
always in english and in spanish just click the   little lamp down here next to my channel name 
and it'll take you to my main channel page okay   so i hope you like it and without further say 
let's get started and thank you for watching okay to begin i'll be using this 3.5 millimeter 
crochet hook and today i'm using this dk weight   yarn this is the brand of yarn that i'm using 
it's called style craft special double knit this   is in the color aster now if you're in the us you 
can use any number three yarn now to begin i have   88 chains this chain here is measuring about 18 
inches which is about 46 centimeters now if you're   off by maybe half an inch or a couple centimeters 
it's okay just continue with the 88 chains now to   begin what we're going to do is we're going to 
join to the first chain so we're going to do   this so that our chain is not twisted now insert 
your hook into the first chain this one here and then join with a slip stitch now chain one and actually chain two 
these two chains never count as a stitch   now yarn over and insert your hook again 
into the last chain and through the first chain here and make a double crochet now work one double crochet for 
each one of the remaining chains so   into this next chain make a double crochet 
double crochet into the next and so on   this is all i'm going to do for this first row 
and at the end of this row i'm going to have   88 double crochets continue and i'll meet you here 
at the end okay i'm here at the end of this first   row this is where we did double crochets and i 
have a total of 88 double crochets now to finish   go on top of the first double crochet and join 
with a slip stitch now for the second row chain   two the two chains never count as a stitch now in 
this row we're going to alternate between a front   post and a back post double crochet so beginning 
into this first double crochet make a front post   double crochet back post double crochet into 
the next front post double crochet into the next and back post double crochet into the next 
this is all i'm going to do for this second   row a front post double crochet and a back 
post double crochet continue like this for   this second row and i'll meet you at the end i'm 
here at the end of this second row now to finish   this row we're just going to go on top of the 
first double crochet and join with a slip stitch   now for the third and fourth row you're going 
to do the same thing you're going to chain   two and then work a front post double 
crochet and then a back post double crochet   front post double crochet and back post double 
crochet and so on we're going to do this for this   third row and then for the fourth row the same 
thing so continue and i'll meet you at the end   of the fourth row okay i'm here at the end of 
this fourth row now to finish go on top of the   first double crochet and join with a slip stitch 
and this is how i finish this fourth row now for   the first row we're going to start counting 
rows so we're going to start using our pattern   chain three and into the same stitch where we 
did the slip stitch make two double crochets now skip one two and into the 
third make three double crochets again skip one two and into the third again 
three double crochets skip one two and into   the third three double crochets this is how i'm 
going to continue for this first row so continue   like this and i'll meet you at the end of this row 
okay i'm here at the end of this first row now up   to here i have 29 fans and i have three stitches 
here what i'm going to do here i need to make one   more fan so i'm going to skip one and and into 
the next i'm going to make three double crochets   now to finish pinch the third chain here to the 
side and join with a slip stitch and this is how   i finish this first row with a total of 30 fans 
now from here on we're going to have to turn for   every row this stitch you can easily make where 
you work it in the round but i'm not going to   do that because once we come to the separation 
of the front and the back panel we're going to   have to work this stitch in rows so it's going to 
have a different texture once we do that so i'm   going to turn for every row starting here so to do 
this we're going to turn now we're going to chain   three and we're going to go down to the row below 
and into this stitch that we left in between   the two fans i'm going to make a double crochet 
then right next to it to the side i'm going to   make another double crochet again jump to the 
next space between the fans so right here make a   double crochet to the row below and make a double 
crochet into that stitch that we left and then   to the side a double crochet now these next 
ones we have two stitches these two were the   last two that we did we only had one stitch in 
between but here we have two stitches so you're   going to have to be consistent you're either 
going to the first or into the second what   i'm going to do is i'm going to go into the first 
so make your first double crochet then go to the   row below and into that first double crochet make 
another double crochet and then right to the side   another double crochet so double crochet 
go down to the row below and into the first   double crochet make a double crochet and 
right next to it here make a double crochet and that's all we're going to 
do go down to the row below   make a double crochet and a double crochet here 
to the side okay so continue like this for this   second row and i'll meet you here at the end 
okay i'm here at the end of this second row   now to finish this row we're always going to pinch 
here the third chain and join with a slip stitch   and this is how we finish this row now for the 
third row and all the rows to follow this is what   we're going to do you're going to chain three and 
turn and you're going to go down to the row below   well in this case we have the chains 
and then the two double crochets   right in the middle we have this double crochet 
so insert your hook right there and make a double   crochet and right to the side here make another 
double crochet again go into the next space   make a double crochet go down to the row below and 
in the middle insert your hook and make a double   crochet and right here to the side make another 
double crochet and that's all we're going to do   the important thing here is that you need to turn 
for every row and then everything else is the same   okay so continue for this third row i'll meet 
you once again here at the end to show you how   to finish each row and then how to start each 
row so that you can work the rest on your own   okay i'm here at the end of this third row 
not to finish this row and all the rows to   follow remember we always pinch 
the third chain here at the top   and we join with a slip stitch now for the fourth 
row and all the rows to follow you're always going   to chain three and turn and then here we're going 
to go below into the middle double crochet here   because we already have a double crochet here the 
three chains counts as your first double crochet   so go down into the middle double crochet make a 
double crochet and then here to the side make your   third double crochet again jump to the next space 
make a double crochet go down to the row below and   then the middle double crochet make a double 
crochet and right to the side a double crochet   and this is all we're going to do from here on i'm 
not exactly sure how many rows i'm going to do but   just continue watching and i'll let you 
know exactly how many rows i'm going to do   remember to finish you always join to the top here 
to the third chain with a slip stitch chain three   turn don't forget to turn for every row okay 
so continue watching and i'll meet you at the   end of that row okay did a total of 22 rows 
and it's measuring from the top of this last   row to the bottom here it's measuring about 21 
centimeters which is about 8.25 inches now what   we're going to do is we're going to separate 
the back and the front so here i have placed   my stitch markers so for the back we're going 
to have 13 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 fans   and then for the front same thing 13 1 2 3 4 5 
6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 and right here on the side   i have two fins and two fans here on the side 
so that's a total of 30 fans all around that's   how we're going to divide this section so here 
we're going to go to this side the front side   and we're going to work this row from the inside 
out because my last row here was worked on the   right side so my next row is going to be worked 
from the inside out and we're going to go here   to this place where i have this stitch marker if 
i count the fans from where i finished i have one   two three four five six seven eight nine and 
right into this space insert your hook chain three one two three and then go down to the row below 
and make your long double crochet the three   chains counts as the first double crochet and 
then right next to it make your double crochet   and then into the next space and do the same 
thing you're going to work another stitch   and then continue for a total of 14 stitches   1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14.

I'll meet you 
right about here to show you what we need to do   next okay did 14 stitches so we have 1 2 3 4 5 6 
7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 14 stitches for this first   row now we're going to chain three and turn and 
inside the next space here we're going to work   our first pattern stitch so double crochet go to 
the row below and make your long double crochet   and then right next to this one a double crochet 
and i'm going to do the same thing for each one   of the spaces until i come here to the end of 
the second row i'll meet you here to show you   what we need to do next i'm here at the end 
i have 13 stitches 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11   12 13 stitches for this second row to finish 
pinch here the last chain right there to the side   and make a double crochet now for the third row 
chain three and turn now here we're going to go   into the first space which is this one here the 
three chains counts as the first double crochet   so go into this space here but go to the row below 
and into the second double crochet make your long   double crochet and then right next to it your 
double crochet jump to the next space and repeat   you're going to continue and repeat our pattern 
stitch until you come to the end of this third   row for this row we're going to have 14 one two 
three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven   twelve thirteen fourteen i'll meet you at the 
end of this third row i'm here at the end of   the third row i have fourteen pattern stitch now 
for the fourth row we're going to chain three   and turn now for this row we're going to go into 
this first space here and make our pattern stitch and then into each one of the spaces 
repeat the same thing until you come to   this last space i'll meet you here at the end 
of this fourth row i'm here at the end of this   fourth row i have 13 stitches 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 
11 12 13 to finish we're going to pinch here the   last chain and make a double crochet at the end 
now for the fifth row we're going to chain three   one two three turn and we're going to jump 
to the second space we're going to skip this   first one and jump to the second space and 
we're going to work our pattern stitch here and then jump to the next space and repeat you're 
going to do this until you come to the end of this   row so i'll meet you right here to show you how 
we're going to finish this fifth row i'm here at   the end of this fifth row i have 12 stitches 1 
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12.

To finish we're going   to pinch here the last chain and make a double 
crochet now for the sixth row we're going to   chain three and turn and here we're going to work 
our first pattern stitch right here so i have my   three chains which counts as one double crochet 
so now we're going to go to the row below and   make our long double crochet and then into the 
right next to it a double crochet and then into   each one of the spaces repeat the same thing until 
you come to the end of this sixth row so continue   and i'll meet you here to show you what we need to 
do next i'm here at the end of the sixth row and i   have 13 pattern stitches now for the seventh row 
chain three and turn here we're going to work our   first pattern stitch into the first space so make 
a double crochet go to the row below and make your   long double crochet and then right to the side 
a double crochet and then do the same thing into   each one of the spaces i'll meet you at the end of 
the seventh row okay i'm here at the end of this   seventh row here at the end i finished by making 
a double crochet now you should have a total of   let's see 12 stitches 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12. 
now for the next row we're going to start counting   rows here so chain 3 and turn we're going to begin 
counting rows because we're going to separate   here in the center we're going to make the v part 
of the vest so here into this first space here   go down to the row below and make your first 
double crochet which is a long double crochet   right next to it another double crochet and then 
into each one of these spaces i'm going to do the   same thing until i come to the stitch marker here 
i marked six stitches let's see one two three four   five six yes and then a stitch marker and 
then six for this side so that's the center   so i'm just going to work these stitches 
until i come to the stitch marker like this so that's three four five six and then into this next space where i have 
a stitch marker just make a double crochet   that's what it looks like so you 
should have six one two three four   five six and then a double crochet now 
for the second row chain three and turn   and into this first space here we're going to 
make our first stitch so i have my three chains   which counts as the first double crochet go down 
to the row below and make your long double crochet   and right next to it a double crochet and 
then into each one of the spaces continue   and work our pattern stitch i'll meet you at the 
end of this second row i'm here at the end of the   second row i have six stitches one two three four 
five six and i finish by making a double crochet   here at the end now for row three chain three and 
turn the three chains counts as your first double   crochet so into this space here we're going 
to go to the row below and make a long double   crochet and right next to it a double crochet so 
here's our first pattern stitch and i'm going to   continue along until i come to this last space 
just working our pattern stitch so that's two three four five and six now make a double crochet here 
on top of the last double crochet   chain three turn now in this 
fourth row we're going to skip   this space here and jump to the next space and 
work our pattern stitch we're going to reduce here and then i'm going to continue and work the 
same stitch into each one of the spaces and let me   check the end of this fourth row i'm here at the 
end of the fourth row i have five pattern stitches   one two three four five and then here at the end 
i finish by making a double crochet now for rows   five chain three and turn now into this first 
space we're going to go down to the row below   and make our long double crochet and then a double 
crochet right next to it so here's our stitch now   into each one of the spaces i'm going to work our 
pattern stitch that's two into the next same thing that's three that's four and five now here we're going to reduce again 
now here we're going to pinch here the second   chain and make a double crochet and that's how i 
finish the fourth row we have one two three four   five pattern stitches now for row five chain three 
turn and into this first space here we're going to   go to the row below and work a long double crochet 
and then a double crochet and into the next space   work our pattern stitch and 
continue for the rest of this   fifth row i'll meet you here at the end to show 
you what we need to do next i'm here at the end   of this sixth row to finish just pinch the last 
chain here and make a double crochet now we have   one two three four five pattern stitches now 
for the seventh row chain three and turn into   this first space go down to the row below make a 
long double crochet next to it a double crochet   and continue work one stitch or your pattern 
stitch inside each one of the spaces so that's two three that's four and five now to finish we're going to 
pinch your last chain and make a double crochet   that's what it looks like now for row 
eight we're going to chain three and turn   now we're going to skip this first space and into 
the next we're going to work our first pattern   stitch so in this row we're going to reduce again 
so continue now and work a stitch inside each one   of the spaces and i'll meet you at the end of this 
eighth row okay i'm here at the end of this eighth   row i have four fans and here at the end i did a 
double crochet now for the ninth row chain three   and turn into this row below go down and work 
your long double crochet right next to it a double   crochet and into the next space work a stitch 
or the pattern stitch that's two into the next that's three and into the next another one so 
to finish this ninth row just pinch here the   second or the last chain doesn't matter and 
work a double crochet now for the tenth row   chain three and turn and here we're going 
to work a stitch inside each one of the   spaces so beginning here go down to the row 
below and work your first pattern stitch   or a long double crochet and then a double 
crochet and into each one of the spaces   work a stitch until we finish this tenth row 
so continue and i'll meet you here at the end   okay i'm here at the end of this 10th 
row here to finish we're going to   pinch here the last chain and make a double 
crochet and this is how i finish the tenth   row and i have four fans now we're going to 
make three more rows so chain three and turn now into this first space go down to the 
ruby low and make your long double crochet   and then next to it a double crochet into each 
one of the spaces work your pattern stitch and that's one two three four 
we're going to go on top of this   last stitch and make a double crochet so this 
is row 11 now for row 12 chain three and turn we're going to skip this space we're 
going to jump into the next one   and make our first pattern stitch okay to finish pinch the chain here 
at the end and make a double crochet and this is the twelfth row one two three fans now 
for the last row row thirteen chain three and turn and we're going to go down to the row below 
and make our first double crochet with just   a long one and then a double crochet next 
to it and then to each one of these spaces our patterns did we should finish this 
row now with only three pattern stitches which i think is fine for the shoulder to finish 
just go here to this to the top of the chain and   make a double crochet and i think i'm going 
to leave it like this so just cut my yarn pass   my yarn through this last loop and here is the 
13th row so now let me show you the other side   now we're going to go here to this other side and 
we're going to do the same thing so i'm going to   show you this next so our first row here that 
we started we started on the right side so i'm   going to have to go into this space which is the 
center again grab this loop bring it through the   front and chain three one two three now jump to 
the next space and work your first pattern stitch   and i'm going to do this for 
each one of the spaces that's one two three four five and six and right here where that we have the chain just 
insert your hook there and make your last double   crochet and that's the first row we have one two 
three four five six pattern stitches now for the   second row chain three and turn here we're going 
to work the stitch inside each one of the spaces   in the same way like we do beginning into this 
first space same thing so continue for this second   row and i'll meet you here at the end right about 
here to show you what we need to do next i'm here   at the end of this second row i have six pattern 
stitches my last stitch i did it here into the   chain three space right there now for 
the third row chain three and turn   now in this row into each one of the spaces 
we're going to work our pattern stitch like this until we come to the last space that's two three four five and six into this last chain three space okay and here's the third row you should 
have six fans one two three four five   six now for the fourth row chain three and turn now into this first space 
work your first pattern stitch   and you're going to do the same into each one 
until you come here to the end of this fourth row   i'll meet you here at the end to show you what 
we need to do next i'm here at the end of this   fourth row i have so far one two three four five 
pattern stitches to finish just pinch the chain   here at the end and work a double crochet 
now for the fifth row chain three and turn   here we're going to jump to the first 
space and work our pattern stitch and into each one of the spaces do the same thing that's two three four and five now for row six chain three and turn jump to 
the next space and work your pattern stitch   and into each one of the spaces do the same thing 
until you come to the end of this sixth row i'll   meet you here at the end to show you what we need 
to do next i'm here at the end of the sixth row   i'm going to work my last pattern stitch here 
at the end where we have these three chains so   double crochet go down to the row below and make 
your long double crochet and then a double crochet   that's how we finish the sixth row with five 
fins now for the seventh row chain three and turn now here jump to the first space 
and work your first pattern stitch   and i'm going to do the same 
thing into each one of the spaces so that's four one two three four and into this 
last space we're going to make our last one   and there it is we have five pattern stitches 
one two three four five now for the eighth row   chain three and turn i'm going to work our 
first pattern stitch into the first space   and then into each one of the spaces until i 
come here to the end i'll meet you at the end   of this eighth row i'm here at the end of this 
eighth row i have four pattern stitches now to   finish we're going to skip this last space 
and we're just going to pinch this chain   here at the end and make a double crochet and 
that's what it looks like now for the ninth row   chain three and turn jump to the first space 
and make your first pattern stitch like this so i'm just going to work one of these 
pattern stitches inside each one of the spaces   and i'm going to have four at the end of this 
ninth row so here to make the last one insert   your hook into this chain three space go down to 
the row below make your long double crochet in one   and right to the side a double crochet 
and then here is the ninth row for row ten   chain three and turn and you're going to work a 
pattern stitch inside each one of these spaces   until we finish this row and you're going to 
end again with four of these pattern stitches   i'll meet you at the end of this 10th row 
okay i'm here at the end of the tenth row   i have four pattern stitches now for 
the eleventh row chain three and turn now we're going to jump to the first 
space here and make our pattern stitch and do the same into each one of the spaces and then to this last space same thing go down 
to the row below and make your double crochet   and then right next to it double crochet 
so here's the eleventh row with four   pattern stitches now for the twelfth row 
chain three and turn now here jump to the   first space and work your first pattern 
stitch all the way to the end of this row now here at the end we're 
going to skip this last space   so just pinch the chain here at the end 
and make a double crochet and here's the   12th row we have three pattern stitches now 
for the last row row 13 chain three and turn we're going to skip this space jump to the 
next one and work your first pattern stitch that's two and one more okay that's the 13th row i think it's perfect 
looks exactly like the other side so now cut   your yarn and pass your yarn through this 
last loop leave a small tail we're going   to use this to seam this part here so now both 
sides are done and that's what it looks like   so now i'm going to show you the back 
side so we're going to do the back part   now this is where we finished when we did the 
first row so we started here from the inside   out this is the first row for the front panel we 
started here and then we worked our way this way   so now we're going to come here into this space 
so this is the last stitch so if you count one two   and into this space right there we're going to go 
in and grab a loop chain three one two three and   then go down to the row below and make a double 
crochet and right next to it a double crochet   and that's all you're going to do for each one of 
the spaces you're going to work our pattern stitch   and then continue all the way to this other stitch 
marker we're going to make a total of 14 pattern   stitches so i'll meet you right about here at the 
end of this first row to show you what we need to   do next i'm here at the end of the first row for 
the back side i have 14 of these stitches now for   the second row chain three and turn we're going to 
work our pattern stitch inside each one of these   spaces so beginning into this first one you're 
just going to work your first pattern stitch and   then continue and do the same thing for each one 
of the spaces so continue for the second row and   i'll meet you at the end i'm here at the end of 
this second row i have 13 pattern stitches now to   finish we're just going to go here on top of the 
third double crochet and make a double crochet now   for this third row chain three and turn beginning 
into this first space here we're going to make our   first pattern stitch the three chains counts 
as your first double crochet so go down below   and make your long double crochet and right next 
to it another double crochet and then into each   one of the spaces you're going to work our pattern 
stitch so continue like this for this third row   and i'll meet you here at the end i'm here at 
the end of this third row i did my last stitch   here into the chain three space right there and 
i have 14 pattern stitches now for the fourth row   chain three and turn now into each one of these 
spaces we're going to work our pattern stitch   in the same way that we always do so continue 
for this fourth row make one pattern stitch   inside each one of these spaces and i'll meet you 
here at the end okay i'm here at the end of this   fourth row to finish we're just going to pinch 
the last chain here and make a double crochet   i have a total of 13 pattern stitches now for 
the fifth row chain three and turn here in this   row we're going to reduce so we're going to 
skip this space and into the second space here   we're going to work our first pattern stitch 
this is the same thing we did for the front side   so now all you're going to do is just work 
your stitch inside each one of these spaces   all the way to the end of this fifth row so 
continue and i'll meet you here at the end   okay i'm here at the end of this fifth row now 
to finish here what we're going to do is we're   going to skip this last space and we're going to 
pinch here this chain and make a double crochet   now in this row you should have 12 stitches and 
from here on we're just going to continue with the   same thing we did here in the two rows below we're 
going to work rows and you're going to alternate   between having 12 stitches or like in the next 
where you're going to have 13 so 12 13 12 13   until we reach the same height as this part 
here uh i think if i count it correctly it's   about 17 rows if not just continue watching 
and i'll let you know exactly how many rows   you're going to do so to start you off here for 
the sixth row you're going to chain three and turn   into this first space we're going to work our 
first pattern stitch but remember the three   chains counts as the first double crochet so go 
down to the row below and make your second double   crochet which is your long double crochet and 
then a double crochet right next to it and then   inside each one of the spaces you're going to work 
our pattern stitch now you're going to do this   all the way to the end of this sixth row here at 
the end you're going to make your last pattern   stitch here and you're going to have 13 for 
this row then you're going to chain three turn   and then repeat at the end of that row you're 
going to have 12 and then so on so here we're   not going to make any more reductions as you 
can see this is what it looks like we just work   the reductions that we did here and then from 
here on it's just a matter of just working rows   like i said until we reach the same height as 
the this part here of the shoulder so continue   and i'll meet you once this part here is done 
okay i'm here at the end of the 19th row now i   still need to do one more row so what i'm going to 
do here is i'm going to leave this part here open   without doing anything so what i'm going to do 
here is just work one two three of these pattern   stitches and then a double crochet so to do this 
we're going to chain three one two three turn and then to this first space go down below and 
make your long double crochet in a double crochet   here's our first pattern stitch and into the 
next two spaces you're going to do the same thing now here into this last space make a double 
crochet cut your yarn and pass your yarn   through this last loop i think i cut mine too 
short but anyways it was fine so here one two   three and then the double crochet 
which matches to the front panel here one two three now we're going to do 
the same thing for the other side   so we're going to turn this actually no we're 
not going to turn this we're going to actually   skip one two three four five six and into this 
space here we're going to grab a loop chain three   one two three jump to the next 
space and work your pattern stitch into the next one same thing and into this last space your last pattern stitch and there we have it three which should match up 
to this here perfect now cut your yarn and leave   a long tail because we're going to use this to 
seam both sides here so this part here is done   now we're going to seam this 
so turn this to the wrong side and we're going to go here here i mentioned 
to leave a long tail so we already have   this here so just pass this through your needle and we're going to go here now all 
of these stitches should match up   like this exactly so we're going to go 
into each one to close it see like this   perfect so go here on top of the first double 
crochet or the three chains insert your   needle like this and then back again to 
reinforce this first stitch perfect and then go   from actually my yarn is on this side so 
go from this side into the second stitch   and then into the third stitch and 
then to the third one on this side   and then we have the first double 
crochet of the next pattern stitch   find the next one here which is the first one 
and we're going to go into the next and so on   we're going to do this until this part here is 
closed so make sure you match up these stitches on both sides and then one more the three 
chains and then the double crochet and then just reinforce this 
one here by going over it again perfect so now this side here is done that's what 
it looks like from the inside or the right side   now you're going to do the exact same thing here 
for this side we have this yarn here that we left   and you that's what you're going to use to close 
it do it in the exact same way so so go ahead and   do this side and i'll come back and show you what 
we need to do next okay i finished joining both   sides and this is what it looks like so now we're 
going to work single crochets right here in the   center so here insert your hook right here where 
we have this center uh fan stitch or this center   you know the three double crochet so right in 
the middle insert your hook there grab a loop   like this bring it through the front and chain one 
if we don't do this then there's going to be a gap   and i want to try to close all these gaps with 
these single crochets that we're going to do so   there's my first chain now go here to 
the side there is no right or wrong way   of doing this you're just going to have to 
eyeball it and make single crochet so that   you are making a nice edge here the important 
thing is that it looks nice and that these gaps   that we have here uh no longer remain so with 
that said i'm just going to try my best to show   you what i'm going to do on this side i'm just 
going to work single crochets right there there's   no gap here so just work a normal single crochet 
along the side right there now here's a gap so   i'm going to go right here see right there make a 
single crochet and then there's still a gap there   and it looks like there's a gap there 
and it probably is stretched because i   try to do this before and i think this part 
here is getting a little stretched though   there i think that looks better now go here 
to the side right there make another one   another single crochet so far so good then into 
this other space single crochet into the next   single crochet right here to the side single 
crochet so this is what i'm going to do all around now here in the back i'm 
just going to work single crochet so   it's just going to be here on the sides where 
you can really see these um these holes so right   along the edge where there is no gap just 
make a single crochet there's one here so you're going to have to go into the stitches 
before like right here where we did either three   chains or double crochets and the point 
here is to make sure that it looks nice   and even like i said there's no right or wrong 
way of doing this you just do it where you think   it'll look good and to me i think this is 
looking pretty good let's see yes a lot better   so this is all i'm going to do for this part here 
then i'm going to work single crochets along this   part here and then work my way down in the same 
way so continue and i'll meet you here at the end   okay i finished making this other side here along 
the back all i did was just make single crochets   and i think it looks a lot better than how it 
was originally um the way that i had recorded   this part here i didn't like because there were 
gaps here but i think i like the way that this   looks now so you're going to continue with the 
single crochets around the sleeve i already did   mine this is just another recording that i did 
of this part here since i didn't like the first   time that i showed you so continue watching finish 
the rest of the vest and then i'll come back and   show you the finished vest now we're going 
to go here to this side and we're going to   do the same thing so i'm going to start here in 
this corner right here right there which is the   double crochet here of this pattern stitch so just 
insert your hook there into that corner chain one now into this same space here make a single 
crochet now jump to the next stitch which   is the next double crochet and work a single 
crochet so here we're just going to do these six   because we have three and three and 
now just jump here to this side this   is a double crochet so do two single crochets 
and then this one here is a chain so do one   and then two and then one 
two one two one and so on two one two one two one two one two one two one two one two and then one for this last 
row now jump to this other side   and it's probably going to be two now one   two then one and then two and so on you get the 
point there's no right or wrong way of doing this   just so that it looks the important thing is 
that it looks nice so continue all around this   is what it looks like and once you're you're done 
here you're just going to join to the top of the   first single crochet with a slip stitch cut your 
yarn and paste your yarn through that last loop   and then you're going to do this other side 
here you're going to do it in the exact same way   okay so continue and do both sides 
and then i'll come back and show you   our finished vest okay i finished making this 
other side and this is what it looks like so now   my vest is done and this is what it looks like 
i love the way that this stitch looks it's so   beautiful and it's got so much texture now let me 
give you the finished measurements from the top of   the shoulder down to the end here it's measuring 
about 37.5 centimeters which is about 14.5 inches   around this part here the chest it's measuring 
about 56 centimeters which is about 22 inches   and the sleeve opening it's measuring about 
16.5 centimeters which is about 6.5 inches   so based on these measurements this little 
vest here is for little boys between 1 and   2 years old or 12 to 24 months now you can 
also make it smaller or bigger down here   in the information box i'm going to leave you 
some information on how you can make it smaller   from six months or bigger up to five 
years old so be sure to check that out   okay so this was today's tutorial i hope you like 
it thank you so much for watching until next time

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