Sunday 19 September 2021

9 – Controlling Intensity with Congo

So now that we've patched a number of channels,
let's talk about actually turning them on. First let's jump into Live just by hitting
the Live button. There are a number of different ways we can
supply intensity. We could select a channel and just roll the
Level Wheel out or we could select a channel, tell it that it's a channel, specify a level,
like 55, and hit At Level. The At Level key is actually four keys in
one. We could use it to set a specific level like
we just did or we can select a different channel. Simply hit the At Level once and have it go
to a predetermined level. By default this is always 70 percent. If we select another channel and double tap
Level, it's gonna set it to Full. If we select a channel, then triple tap, it
takes the channel out. Another way to take a channel out is to select
the channel, drop the wheel down or we could select a channel and say 0 At Level and that'll
take it out as well. To select two channels at once, I could say
the first one, tell it it's a channel, the second one and hit Plus.

So in this case I said 1 Channel ID 4 Plus
and now I can set a level for both of them. If I wanna select more than that, I could
say 6 Channel 10 through and select 6 through 10 and assign a level. Or I can combine these. 12 Channel 16 through 18 Plus and if I wanna
get rid of one, 13 Minus. I now have 12, 14-16 and 18 selected and I
can set a level. You can combine any combination of Plus, Minus
and Through to get exactly what channel selection you're looking for. If we have a number of values set we can push
and hold Clear Alt and hit Channel ID to take them all out..

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