Sunday 19 September 2021

Djembe Meditation in My New Studio [9-Minute Meditation]

Hello, welcome to the first ever impromptu djembe meditation
session in my beautiful new home studio. You can tell it's got a long way to go. A little
nervous for this. I don't know why, it's been a while since I've drummed, I'm definitely
missing this from my life, definitely brings a peace and a calming to my life that I otherwise
don't get. So drum along with me, enjoy, and I hope you have a great day. God Bless. That
was fun thank you for enjoying it with me I hope you played along hope you djembe yourselves
and let me know how it goes. I don't know if anyone else tries meditating with the djembe it's kind of fun it kind of keeps you
in the moment, it's ah…yeah…if you noticed in there I was having to keep reminding myself
to breath and it was just fun to play around on the djembe as you can tell a lot of times
I'm just fooling around, messing up and just trying a bunch of fun stuff hope you enjoy,
and see you next time.

God Bless, Bye.

learn djembe here – click

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