Monday 6 September 2021

Djembe Lesson (Advanced): Mendiani Solo

OK brilliant, thanks Zoe, so…those are four…um…core Mendiani phrases we wobbled a bit on the last one, we're only human …um…so I'm just going to play them through for you without the sangbang accompaniment so thanks for the moment Zoe …um…and we're just going to go through them…one-by-one so…erm… I'll give a signal to start I'll play accompaniment …and…just to help you at the moment I'll give a signal in between each phrase as well You don't actually play like that when you play…solo…but for the moment…it keeps us straight ok…so… ok so that's our basic not so basic… four phrases for Mendiani …um… One thing to notice…and I'm going to do it again with the sangbang in a minute to finish…

…but one thing to notice with those phrases is…the little push you give to certain notes in that sequence and that's the swing, the feel…of Mendiani ok …um…without wanting to get too deep into it we can just squeeze certain notes so the first phrase… we go ok those two notes: Ka.. KADA we're gonna just squeeze those a little bit so…

eh…? Just put them a little bit closer than they normally would… equally in the next phrase kada… again we're gonna squeeze those two notes kada erm…and always in Mendiani when you've got a double note in the solo on the beat kada just squeeze them and that give you that Mendiani swing um… ok… one more time with…um…sangbang accompaniment…um…..and we'll try to do it at a nice…a nice pace…not too fast OK here we go… Enjoy….

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