Thursday 9 September 2021

How to Play & Teach Bucket Drumming [“HEY!” – Lesson 1]

Hey, it's Coach K, and a lot you have been asking for more bucket pieces, and particularly how to teach them. So here we are… I've been creating a lot more music and
some of it is ROTE. That means when we teach it to people, it's not through reading music it's
through speaking it or saying it or modeling it, and then having them repeat it back and this could be really fun way to you
learn things and to teach things and to play some things that are a little bit more difficult to read, but totally playable and it can be a lot of fun. This other
curriculum I've been creating is geared more toward the educational side of things. It's getting kids to READ music and
play with proper percussion techniques Learning new warmups and exercises and
really doing it in a fun way for kids but also in a very cheap cost-effective way on buckets and trashcans. So THIS curriculum comes in a package of worksheets — which are basically a
foolproof plan to get your students prepared to play the actual piece — while still internalizing and understanding the
musical concepts that the piece is built on.

It also includes videos — like what you're about to see right now — of me giving the instruction. reproduce it become the coolest
teacher ever and very cheap way with his people happy
so on which is right now is a new but he's
called hey and this is i sleepy into worksheet
number one that would be up to you the actual peace
at the end as well as the teaching instruction from
be so I hope the u-joint if you want to skip all this and get
more information are you need to do is go to love this video on youtube on course more information the end so let's
do it hey it's complicated day we're gonna play hey never really
doesn't buck your trash can drummer where a
reply times a day and look at starting if you
look at the top I'll worksheet number one which looks like
this you should have that for you well we review our projector somewhere
we use the words a warmup 8 on hand still go ahead and book
first row music that you see can you guess lines is call 8 on exactly because you'd like 8 notes on government rechte 4 back six ft lefty 68 excellent keep on long because
we're not playing yet one look at this we're gonna play the
first two matches self-reliance left total four times
Adobe total eight measures because our plan is to
measures time or at the end gonna play that release you
see action on there with your sis please note: release notice News & World so you're
and your plan your last and left him 1234 5678 you're done you clearly is on your right hand it is
kinda capping often say huh and we all know that we're going to
get so I was gonna play at New Year together in the here you got your sticks and here
we go one to you made that 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 won t with me him to UT 3 team 3t 6 T 68 14 states that last season 3 567 Italy's I did you count the together the snow here in trading in make sure you get
there the snow next time we're going to talk about them next
thing we're going to focus on plate those exercises excellent way to
practice you four strokes and basically what that
means is that the smoothing connected Easter down the hallway that goes live
full extent go straight up and down you bring it
back down but it's nice and smooth connected the city short separate we
don't like her one nice and smooth connected important
the way we do that is when we come up user Chris but the deal all co-worker
full extension will be restored as far as it can go
then we all are fears just a little bit like that we
keep your on a stick but we all remember so they
can go all the way up and we put her fingers in her wrists
together and beer we've got fall extension so practices
next time we're going to on buckets and you're gonna be
practicing heaping really smooth motion on the back and using a full extension while you
play here put the Suns center doesn't like it your focus on bird that
released early in case you missed it this time and full extension when you play 30
ongoing innocent one to one to you 3 for dumb this girl is not that I'm how wasn't did you remember focus on horses and
using your wrist and opening your fingers the Galway a okay
next time keep focusing on this thing that really
every time from now on your money should you buy something like
yet the same thing over and over rumor you that full extension see all using your fingers injuries and the release notes nice and pretty
ministry trip in case you feel like you're going too slow for me month in review: not every cent where
most people by most people and just about every day
where they have to ease the transition from right to left for a racked so the way we practice this is
make sure that we get a really nice transition because he was seem stays between every no whether it's
on your right hander shooting tear is if you practice 8 plus one left is just watch me this time
way I what happens to a lot of people on this
network incorrect this them because they forget to get ready for
that one watch what I do with my left hand on the eight strokes you can find day done did you catch it yen reading I'm I lifted my left here to get ready to
play 11 what happens in a single slow is when
the 2012 purposes only and England ok run absolute down about this you lifted them you are really so will
you get uses transition is the person it nice
and slow going investing one to you 3 for 6 said are one to you for 6 and so I gotta practice a great up here owner
jim is broke now I can return the next day try Hicks yet and that is Megan look because you can play like
this however you know anyone play but the Wii look nice is by keeping you're not using Dale well it's not like like this do see well do is keep down now I heard you the
first time you trust the pro you probably get one two three
four oh yeah ingredient that's fine just every time
keep focusing scenario couple these books on million
she get there really is no the NBC capital making sure you're playing with 90s
movable strips and now I am working on focusing keeping
a other hand we're not using Dale are you
heard probably not but that's okay it all up
in there every single time to hear your and I'm going to go get a
little bit faster focusing on all those things we just
talk wine to you one to renny girl dumb I still good see well yeah he knows
interaction accounting for early but because I was
paying attention everything that was going on I recognize it was like 20 and I didn't go out and start playing
out is the oldest all user and i cant play and I sent for
work so I don't think either but that's the
way that we do a mistake musician secret most people way means just keep going K near know who because most people
don't know why not use it where you messed up even something as
simple as saying wrong number County you like home all her you know whatever pitcher share but just so you know if
you do anything even just high roller you extra smile or cream is
6.3 return look at someone all things typical of because if you don't mind
people or playing the same exact thing at the same
exact time and one person's certainly makes like official just the
mideast that not we're not making everybody in
the audience look to that person and they look
uncommon let me stop playin they really are and
trying to figure out what happened in well yes because the lumber company
right now then mister and so you're scared really don't
totally don't have to do that so that Italian continue practicing home past bathroom music also these I saw your company work go ahead sticks quietly and he look at the section on
the worksheet has written practice Obama delivery instructions right comes to the written exercise you as a
group practice speaking the red using tossed
TT in time counting using 12 in time and then clubbing in time so first get after hansel girl time signatures as for over record or toss a former top now you probably
already know them hiya ask quick reminder here in there are four taro's each measure or four corners impeachment just like
this work order for dollar therefore the score worked
hard stock heard measure so we're gonna live
here we've got one to you 3 the forecourt work where has been split into two equal
parts which are whole eight miles or TT so it is a myspace you haven't %ah ta try try try to TTC runs out in space cha cha cha CT tartrate treaty sense great so we've got one two three and four
you're not going to rain that seems them practice run next two measures and when you have that hunger strike
plus signs he funny word or in person anything special wanna get you see us when you can sit on
your going so let's fall in export instructions
going to speak this using tauzin TT all those corners single what's with the stem are our top
officer taw and then all a Twitter the standard
connected with the be progress ATT Sony Reader altogether speak of three measures I'm to Trinity cha cha TT try cha cha treaty cha call Troxy T try I still I had well now to see how I'm snapping your
keeper skinny you use now I'm just gonna stay here
another great week he times with the Metreon this is where musicians used from beginning to
advanced ash and that's the only time basically
clicks for you to be so busy with his the is is when you stop at a stop light
cooler in the current issue blasting his music is it in that beat
that you're viewing the connection so measurement at 100 beats per minute that
means every 60 seconds for one minute this will click 100 times if I turn 244 be permanent every 60 seconds 140 Ford with people
space between each one is critical so this match in on the 19th place
snapping czar snap anymore now we're going to use for
where she we're going to yes same thing but
instead of things haha and T we're going to use the house which is
the numbers you see no so all your tarnow income numbers 12 for here TT will become 3 it will sound the same ta ATT ta one to you 3 for the rhythm the exact same we're gonna keep time
national instead and say different things with now
dusting your day get one to you 3 for G think or wind or to say with me of now that next time we're going to use
something called backtrack this is something that I
created for my students to practice with because sometimes like the National you okay Inc screen could over there mister for you how because this is their couldn't
matter 3 UK we've got nothing skis okay metronomes are really practice toward leading the
nation Sunday for whatever reasons as I create
electron background music that in time just electronics this time with something like a match now but it's
a little more fun back so we're gonna play with my
lectures I created and it will also be at 100 beats her
area very you get 46 from human actor begin William County within hours
very Klein team very girl why dream or by doing power okay become a pro-israel them yet of look at the next section at work she
existing practice now all along with me while I read it out copy the first measures stick under the
next two measures music of course make sure that they're
exactly the same that means it says right on the first
known you read right under the first quietly in the air practice playing the
writ with the news sticky did you get started
quiets the in the air that doesn't mean now the neighbors had order anything me year okay and then once you've mastered in here
know you are equal pro at Israel with the correct sticky we're gonna play
it group on about your trash to area looking at the state get after you're
right in the horse four-year rent and else for you offer sick see you when you get up a great see our protester re-mastered target TT metronome Council also series
er but an hour after six to the mix and you
are accion year you probably just finished doing a let's do it one time together in the
year sure all the same exact here one to you good to T top T for teen and four yet TT his boner right hands run right less sent me one time only red by learn retract that excellent nose plate on the back urea one team red get I'm I'm I'm I'm I'm now you my sympathies your on this way and I
have a diversity go I do with this leads to that's
awesome right now this music this section says it's
sticking practice its practice honesty dire so you can be
sure that everybody is doing Ryan left right left we're gonna lose
the National now yeah here we go I think we can go a
little faster than 100 list in 10 14 period Houston one to on them I'm I'm I I'm I'm I'm now did you practice all strokes when you put those two goals
in a row RTT wrong 3 ordered wish and disconnect you don't
want to be sure disconnected you want nice smooth four
strokes the other thing that we can be focusing on what we were in a hangar ER earlier is that are others that when
are you thinking Stadium let's try one more time working with
much and we're gonna focus on keeping office in India and making sure TT your three and the two teams will see morale
are nice music nice four stroke your ego
connection 100 four beats per every 60 credit girl I'm I'm I'm who I do getting there member that all we ask that you get
better every single time don't expect to incur just give me a reason track sonya we can
do this with the doctor but i won forward a little bit so making
music look at the next car worksheets follow
along we're into you use your mind to figure
out the legend low quietly raise your hand once you've
experienced haha mount then music buckets and hands
as a group so the alleged the park there on the
left hand side said everything on this space the Aero
says grim and everything on this space once with
their is on the center so we are have a look
at our book nai were tonight hearts the center is
right here this is the RAM this thus I'm so we've
got Center I'm RAM site so everything with the XO science-based you
play real everything on lot of space with the
regular in Center play Center now go and look at
the city's ears you can figure out the pattern want to figure out what the G's plan is
here return silly reply okay everybody you're doing so we've got
the council redone practice only time we've gone all
sticking down correctly practice only time now
earning music at urea re one to very get I'm I I I'm I'm duzo every single used it only work music
exactly reasonable enough to make me sick turning one to you little faster I'm I'm I'm and I no music now everyone he grew up
eating out over her I totally recommend Inc faster group lower as a group here is
for everyone to play together because it's not nice the truth argon
music be able to do it all together that's right he's awesome teen activity so after you
practice this me of a renowned to Nestor you're in luck
we're gonna go to the those check so everyone to your left hand and
put it behind your back and with your right here we're going to
play the entire thing on the market let me direct him play all
this and more yen I'll remarks I think 30 one to foster yeah I'm and I'm and I'm and you Nigerian let's try one to you one to reading girl I'm I'm him yeah absolutely William that doesn't
really doesn't work fingerprint who completed lesson wanna pay somber and you have any more
questions about years word do yeah remember them don't future just happy their every single cousins can't of your next month 0

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