Monday 6 September 2021

One Drum Conga Groove 4/4

welcome to world drum club i'm kalani your host 
and teacher in this video i'm going to show you   how to play a basic tumbau or what we would call 
an ostinato if we want to be fancy about it   basically just a word for groove or pattern 
it's the kind of thing you do when you just   want to support other players play along 
with some other instruments in an ensemble   and just kind of create a basic rhythm for 
singing or dancing or whatever you want to   all do so let's get to it i've got one of 
my favorite drums here if you saw the other   video in the 6 8 meter you know this is the valgey 
super toomba oh my god it's beautiful uh american   oak handmade on the sunset valgey factory 
back in the 70s i got in 1980 ish early 80s   and it's never been on a gig never been out 
of the house it's huge it's bigger than me   all right so you can look up valgey if you want 
to check out more about that that's just another   tidbit of information what i'm going to do is hold 
the drum i'm going to tip it a little because i   like that i like that base this drum is huge 
it's low it's just nice warm so we're going to   go with an easy version just like i did on the 6 8 
video if you haven't watched that one go check it   out we're going to start with the easy alternating 
hand pattern and we're going to learn how to play   a basic tombow so this is something that you 
could do if you're a beginner if you're a music   teacher you could teach this to your beginning 
drumming students use it as an ostinato use it   as just a way to sit down and play with other 
people in an easy way easy for you easy for them   all right so everybody's happy what we're going 
to do is i'm playing with the metronome here 90   95 beats a minute and i've got a half note or 
a half not a half no an eighth note half a beat   so this is my main beat and then i'm 
just putting on the subdivided beat   or the eighth note just to kind of mark it 
mark the time and we're going to be playing this kind of thing so we're going to 
actually be dividing the beat into 16th notes   so the first thing i would invite you to do is to   tap along in a sixteenth note like one e 
and a two e end up right left right left   that get your little motor going i'm gonna 
put on some 16th notes just so you can hear one e and a two e and the 
three e and the coriander and then let's start once you've got that 
let's start to bring out some accents right all right something like that let's try 
that honey i'm gonna take the sixteenths out so those are sort of like bass tones but notice i'm mute i'm kind of playing 
in a muted fashion i'm not playing   not playing all open conga is our subtle 
instrument we have a lot of different sounds   that we make on the congress so you can go 
kind of full on muted where you're really on   the drum uh you could go anywhere from there to 
you know a little more open but it's basically a   pretty muted subtle sound just marking time 
now we're going to introduce the open tone   on the end of that one e and a two and a three and 
a four and a one and a two and three and a four   end that's it just to open tone it depends how 
you're counting it if you're counting one and uh   one two three one and two and three and four and 
one and two and three and four and one and two   and three and four or one e and a one e and a two 
e and a three and a four e and however you wanna   count it is fine however you break it up but you 
you've got the uh the rhythm there in your ear now   play along if you like two three 
hey so you want to be feeling   now once you got that let's make 
it a little more interesting   and de-emphasize the second beat 
one a two let's bring out the uh one uh so instead of one a two 
we're going to just play one ah   one e two and so we've got three main beats here 
the downbeat which is going to be i would say   secondary and we've got the uh uh on 
the left hand a bass tone and then the   and on the open and those are the two 
notes that we really want to emphasize   i'm still alternating my hands there's nothing 
tricky about this we're just alternating   so don't lose that little motor but i'm just going to bring out the 
one again uh to and all right let's   go and hear what that sounds like do 
your best to follow along here we go   if you want you can put in a little double open all right from there you're adding accents kind 
of playing around uh and doing that all right that   i think is pretty groovy if you can get to that 
point now notice as a finer point and this would   be for you players that are want to get a little 
more into the genre into the field all the 16th   notes or the eighth notes however you're counting 
them they're not evenly spaced there is a little check there's a little swing to it that also 
another topic for another day the best way   i think you can grasp that and get this micro 
timing or what we call the groove or the feel   is by listening and playing along to a 
lot of listening to and playing along with   a lot of music a lot of traditional music recorded 
by professional percussion groups musicians   in that genre so if you want to get that out 
for cuban feel brazilian feel west african feel   you got to listen listen listen listen play 
with uh some of those players if you can take   some lessons from those players who are experts 
and represent that genre but one thing you can   do right now is to get some of the music get it 
however you want to get it down hopefully buy it   and then listen and play along with it all right 
so that's that's another component and that's what   we call the feel or the groove that is micro 
timing right now we're really just focusing on   the macro timing the the big timing all right so 
one more time and uh go ahead and you know you can   improvise uh this pattern and then of course 
if you get to play with a friend hopefully   or in a group you can improvise on top of the 
pattern you can hold this down play the tumbao   for someone else and they can play a complementary 
rhythm and or solo improvise on top of it but this   when we play this pattern we really want 
to provide a foundation for other players   we want to hold it down get that groove going and 
just let it lay in there and enjoy it enjoy the   feel of the music it's not about being fancy 
it's about being friendly here's my tombow   all right i'm kalani this is world drum club like and subscribe hit the bell share this 
video if you're a music educator post it you   know go ahead and post it on your your facebook 
groups or whatever your blog your vlog your log   this information is for all of us all right 
it's not we're not keeping it secret here   so go ahead and share it if you'd like to 
connect with me more go to kalani   you can become a patron of the 
channel and get more over there   whatever you do go make some great music 
play for some people get some people dancing   all right i'll see you guys next 
time thanks for joining me you

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