Saturday 23 October 2021

Rozhovor (12) s lektorkou Emou o COVIDu (CZE subtitles)

Hi, how are you? What's new? I'm outside. It is cold. Why am Ioutside I'll tell you in a minute. Because now I have a question for you. Do you like what slowczech has done for you in the last year? Have you learnt something new? Do you understand Czech better because you listen to a podcast and read a transcript or watch a video and read subtitles and you understand better overall, because the slowczech method is "slow Czech" = slow Czech? If you say yes, look at your bank account to see if you can put one, two euros or 10eur slowczech on Patreon – dot – com – slash – slowczech.

Because in slowczech, we love our work and we want to continue making free materials (free materials = 0 CZK) for you. And that's why we need some great wonderful cheerful fans like you, who will not buy three cappuccino, but who will send us 10 € in slowczech via Patreon. Thank you very much! You're great! And now … do you know why I'm out? Because I'm fighting COVID. This is a fight with COVID. I am walking barefoot in the snow and strengthening my immunity. So, enjoy today's video with Ema, today's interview with Ema, who is great. He speaks slowly and simply. Yeah, and one more important piece of information! Next week, Instagram has IGTV number 2. Lenka will be broadcast again / Lenka will broadcast live again via Instagram. Well, that's all from me now. Enjoy a video chat with Ema and I'm going to go out again. Hi Ema, welcome to the interview slowczech. Thank you for coming. I'm so glad we can have an interview today because you're not a student.

You are also not only a lecturer, but you are a member of the close team of slowczech. And you create materials. What materials do you create? What do you like to create as materials? And why? So, hello Eliška. Thank you so much for the invitation. And I love creating podcasts. And so far I have always chosen a cultural theme. With such a focus on bank holidays or some important cultural events that are important for Czech culture. For example, the feast of St. Martin, when the St. Martin's goose is roasted. And now I'm getting ready again for Valentine's Day on February 14th. Yes, because now is February. Plus, it's February and I don't even know how many lockdowns so far. I feel like we've been in lockdown for 10 years. It's been a long time. It's been a long time for me too. How do you handle lockdown? Better now. But it was complicated and at the beginning, if I (actually) summarize it. Last March was very difficult for me.

But now … today I handle it quite well, because I've found kind of alternative activities, alternative hobbies that I can do at home in my room. What are they like? What are your alternative hobbies? COVID hobbies? COVID hobbies … So it's mainly … now … I do sport a lot. I do those workouts to be strong. I practice yoga with youtube videos. And I sing a lot too. So I'm practicing my voice. We need a voice every day as we teach. We need it! And I also need to practice my voice for future concerts. What did you do? Did you have concerts before the lockdown? Or what did you do before the pandemic? I sang a lot before the lockdown. I sang a lot at concerts and at various birthday parties and also at balls. Ball, that's actually a ball. Also this cultural specialty of the Czech Republic. Well, it's all closed now.

Now you can't sing at balls, you can't sing at concerts. So who are you singing to at home? I sing to my neighbors. Sometimes they are not happy. Sometimes they are not happy when I have been singing for two hours. But mostly … I also sing to a my boyfriend. And he enjoys it. He is very happy. Do you sing alone or do you play the piano or guitar with, or do you have colleagues who go to sing with you or practise singing at your home? I accompany myself a lot on the piano. So I sing along with the piano. Sometimes I take a djembe (drum). Sometimes I take a Tibetan bowl I do Ooooommmmm … And sometimes a friend guitarist comes and we sing … we actually do improvisations. We sing completely what comes to mind. It's very nice. Especially at this time, we just sing. We just play according to how we feel. Don't want to do an online concert? I would be the first visitor. Online concert? I will think about it! Well, you also told me …

So you sing and … you told me you like to bake now in COVID time. I bake more now than I did before COVID. I now bake a lot of traditional Czech recipes. And maybe stuffed cakes or … Well … stuffed cakes and that's it! No … what the hell am I? I'm thinking now! Bábovku! Cake too, but actually such leavened dough. I do a lot. Which is very traditional / classic / typical of Czech cuisine. Yeast. Exactly! I wait, for example, 10 hours for the dough to enlarge. And I can bake it.

I love cheesecakes. Or I like poppy seed stuffed cakes. Yum! Well, last time I just made about five types = five different flavors. Because everyone here at home likes something different. And a lot of people here have allergies to cottage cheese, … plum jam. So a lot of different kinds. So you can send cheese buns to Brno. Good good! Next time! Well, you speak French. You also teach French. Do you bake or cook something French? Well … I baked a French quiche recently . Yummy yummy yummy! I tried it and I like it very much, because I can put different ingredients in it. The quiche can always be different. I always put what is at home in it. Exactly! What I find in the fridge, that's all there … so I'll use it! I do it exactly the same. Well, Emo, I have one last question.

What are you most looking forward to when the lockdown ends? When it's over? Like I said, I miss concerts. So definitely for a concert. And definitely for dancing, because I dance salsa. And at home alone … me … completely … I can't dance salsa at home alone, because I dance a pair of salsa. So definitely for salsa in the club, for example. Or somewhere for a salsa class. There are a lot of salsa classes in Prague , right? You can basically find … or … a lot of dancing. And now all those clubs are completely empty. Well, Emo, thank you so much for the interview. Thank you for your cooperation, too. I am very happy to work with you in slowczech. So thank you again! You are a great member of the slowczech team, a fluent teacher of Czech and French.

And definitely a great singer, a great drum-i-č-ka …? Bubenice! Thank you. And a great salsa dancer. So thank you very much again, Emo. Have a nice day and hello! Thank you, Eliška, also for the invitation. Thank you for your cooperation. I really like working with slowczech and I'm looking forward to new podcasts and new videos! We too! Bye. Bye! Hi!.

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