Thursday 21 October 2021

Darbuka Lesson 2 (8) – Roll patterns [Int]

Hi. Until now we have been talking about fills and rolls within the instance of one measure. Now it is time to discuss larger building blocks, and something I myself call 'roll patterns'. Take a look! First, some simple roll patterns. Here is a popular scheme to interrupt rhythm flow. You repeat one phrase six times, on seven you play Dums, and on eight you stop. Of course not only the rolls, but also their patterns may be rearranged. Here you have some examples. oo = Roll
XX = Dums Now, all this together gives you a big variety of combinations that you can use on your own. Now, let's go over to more complex roll patterns. Rolls may be built on more complex structures based on mathematics. Because, as you know, rhythm is numbers. As you can see the 4/4 bar is composed of 8 beats. Now, these 8 beats may be divided in various ways. Not only the most obvious: 4+4, 2+2+2+2. An 8 beat bar may also be derived from a combination of: [Line 1] [Line 2] [Line 3] To play all these 3-3-2 combinations we need a good three beat pattern that we can use.

In slow tempos I would suggest the pattern |D-tkt-k-t-(k)-|.
This is how it sounds! Now maybe you want to try it with me. The 3-3-2 pattern would sound: [play 3-3-2] And the 3-2-3 pattern would sound: [play 3-2-3] Let's try it faster ! [2 x Maqsuum / 3-3-2] And again:
[Maqsuum / 3-3-2] The second one:
[Maqsuum / 2-3-3] Again:
[Maqsuum / 2-3-3] And the third one:
[Maqsuum / 3-2-3] Again:
[Maqsuum / 3-2-3] In faster tempos another three beat unit may be used.

It is: [2 x Maqsuum / 2 x 3-3-2] [2 x Maqsuum / 2 x 3-2-3] [2 x Maqsuum / 2 x 2-3-3] [Repeat from beginning] And, since we play faster, we can use longer combinations:
[3 + 3 + 2 + 3 + 2 + 3]
[3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 2 + 2] [2 x Malfuf / 3 + 3 + 2 + 3 + 2 + 3] [2 x Malfuf / 3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 2 + 2] [2 x Malfuf]
[3 + 3 + 2 + 3 + 2 + 3]
[3 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 2 + 2] [Malfuf] And faster ! Thanks for watching !.

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