Thursday 7 October 2021


Hi, I'm Andrea Pedrotti and I welcome you
to my body percussion tutorial. We have just finished
a cycle of four videos where we have seen the four main rhythms that we can
do with our body, now let's go back to exploring the sounds of our body
because we have seen the hands, we have seen the chest, now we move into the lower area
and today we will see the sounds of the legs. The sound of the legs is a very
simple sound because it is enough to hit each other on the thighs with the palm of the hand.
Also for the sound of the legs, as for other sounds we have already seen, the most important part
is the posture, not so much the impact of the hand with the body as this sound sometimes
when I do the courses I happen to see it do so , very mechanical, very rigid and instead
we should be able to be very soft and let gravity accompany
the hands on our legs, without giving strength to the gesture.

I don't have to press, it must be
gravity accompanying my hands on my legs. I think that the best exercise is in the time of
preparation of the movement rather than in the action of the sound movement itself. Get familiar
with the time it takes my hand to go down, okay? Just with the anatomy of our body.
The sound of the legs can be done here in front and as always you can see the symbols at the
top to my right that identify how I mark it when I prepare the choreography
when I go to work in schools and I hold body percussion projects, or it can
be done on the buttocks . Let's go back here, here it is, just hit
the buttocks one at a time, the buttocks. Let's try to do some exercise like this, right,
left, right, left, right, left, right, left. Right, left, right, left, right, left, right, left.
It's a bit like playing the drum, the djembé.

The same technique, more or less … is not exactly the same, because maybe those who are more experienced than me say "look what you are saying nonsense",
but if one wants to practice keeping time and managing a djembé with mani I would say that
this type of sound is the most suitable, or with bongos. When one says "I don't have bongos at home".
Meanwhile, train here, you see that when the sound goes faster I no longer use the
whole arm to move but wrist work. Ok? Let's go do some exercise! Also for the sound on the legs, for the clapping of the hands on the legs, it
is very important to be relaxed and let the arms follow their free fall on the
legs. We convey the direction a little but we will not be the ones to impart strength on the gesture but
we will simply let them fall.

Also because the combination between the front and
the back on the buttocks is an interesting combination, which if we
do it in a rigid way, however, leads us to do this round with the arm that becomes very bulky.
While if we let the arms fall on their axis it becomes much easier to be able to
alternate front sounds with back sounds. And now, the pill of the day! That's all for today's video.
Please subscribe to the channel, share it, comment on it and we'll
see you next week, bye!.

learn djembe here – click

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