Saturday 2 October 2021

“Game Changer” – The EES Documentary

What an incredible week. So unbelievable. What we've experienced, was so impressive. Yes, it was already awesome. So, it was a perfect mixture of adventure tours, creative work and it was also great, to meet all the people. It was a nice time. I would do it again instantly. It was blatant. Incredible. I am really proud to have been a part of it. All the wild animals. I´ve seen more animals on my first day, than my whole life. It was incredibly impressive, how EES managed to bring the whole group together. We covered thousands of kilometers in his VW bus and still worked creatively. We made cool tracks. This will be a great album. Okay, the AZ (newspaper) in Namibia announces today: EES brings german music producers to Namibia.

I haven't seen that yet. Really? Namibia, 7 days ago. Yes- Ja, my name is EES. I am an african musician and my idea is, to invite a team of well- known german music producers to Namibia to work with me on my new album. I want to mix the music from different cultures to create something new and fresh. I am the 5th Generation, born an raised in Namibia. My great- great-great grandparents emigrated to Africa 130 years ago. At the time, Namibia was still a german Colony only for 19 years and was called German-South-West Africa. At the beginning of the First World War, Germany lost the colony and since then, we chill here. We, about 1% of the Namibian population are Namibians of German descent.

So, German Namibians. I grew up partly in Windhoek, which is the capital of Namibia. But also partly as a little boy with my brother in the bush. We were on the farm. We were in the desert, we set up bushman huts, we shot with slingshots, we dug up roots, etc… I grew up in Africa very close to nature. In school, it was so, that I used every chance I got to be on stage. I exchanged African CDs with other students at school. I felt this vibe. I grew up with this Kwaito Sound. Kwaito is a kind of music, that originated in the anti-apartheid movement. Back then in Soweto (Township) people took to the streets, danced with Vuvuzelas and used this as a message against apartheid and against the regime. I grew up with this music. You could hear it everywhere. In the meantime I've built up a music career in Namibia and released more and more music videos. I´ve released 13 albums, worked a lot with other African musicians, made features and collaborations. It went so far, that I even won big African awards, like the MTV Africa Music Award, even as the first white African, the Best Artist of the Year Award.

It's a great honor, in the Kwaito-Genre, because it was an anti-apartheid movement music back then that now features a white african. That's how you do your thing and with time I wanted to bring the African sound to the people in Europe. Because I just know that the energy that in this Kwaito music has, that there is her in Africa with the rhythms is so strong, that I want so share it with all the people in the world. That's why I´ve invited german music producers to Africa, to help me, mix my vision of this african sound together, so that we unite the best of both worlds. So, the african energy, this rhythm, mixed with the European sound, that people know and enjoy. We want to produce the album in a way, that we can show the world: That´s Nam-Flava Music, that's the rhythmic sound from Africa.

We have a little problem: the bus is overheated. That's the problem when you are driving an old bus. I am Kraans de Lutin, a music producer, composer and author from Berlin. I have worked with various reggae artists like Gentleman, Shaggy and pop singers like LEA or Culcha Candela, even Helene Fischer sang one of my songs. My name is Gideon Glock. I am a musician from Germany. Last year, we won the Eine Welt song contest of the German Ministry of Culture and he got to know EES. He was a member of the jury and created a great atmosphere and now I'm here and creating a great atmosphere for him. I am Daniel, also known as D-Rush, I come from Vienna. I mainly work in hip-hop and just finished an album for the Berlin rapper Massaka I have worked with many German hip-hop musicians including Raf Camora, Massiv and Fard.

Just try how it tastes. Meet the guys. That´s Gideon. This is Kranns. D-Rush, Daniel. I´m Harry. I´m a namibian music producer and actually work in Namibia. I met EES for the first time, when he came to the Channel O Music Video Awards with Mandoza. We worked together on few projects and few songs. I produced for many other big namibian musicians. This is Harry. I´ve been working with him for eight years.

We talk 1 – 2 times a month about projects and build songs together. He has been there, since the beginning and that´s why, I just want him to be there as a support for you. But the important question is? What do we drink? When I just heard about EES, I thought, he was a black musician. I only had the facts: Namibian, who is a bit active in Germany. He makes Kwaito music, then I heard 1 – 2 songs from him that sounded black. I was surprised, when I noticed that he was white. But he makes black music with his personal style. It is definitely interesting. Your german will be proofed. I telling you, after this ten days they understands you. What do you got here already? You are a beautiful woman. I want to kiss your hand. After 10 days, I am able to response. I´ve been doing this a long time.

EES wrote to me seven years ago and now, I have seen him for the first time in africa. Before that, we only talked on the phone. He has a very special way of speaking. Because he mixes english and german. I had the cliché, that there are no born and raised white people in Africa. When you first get to know EES, you ask yourself, if your way played or real. I'm surprised, how multicultural all this is. Meanwhile, I understand, why he talks like that. He is really African. Now, I see him more as an African, than as a German. So now, we´re going to NBC. NBC is the largest Namibian Broadcasting Corporation. We just recorded an independent song together. There are now three of the most famous Namibian producers. And I want the German and Namibian producers to meet, get to know each other and exchange ideas.

I know, I gonna ignore you Why? What? I see you here all day and I've been trying to talk to you. But the others are more important than me. I thought you were a crazy fan. And the thing is, you look more beautiful and I don't even notice it. That's a lie, and you know it. Just apologize. That's a lie. But seriously, you've never looked as good as you do now. Ah, finally! Look, that's how long a hug with a Namibian woman goes. No, that's not true! That only happens if you ignore them. I mean, in the beginning, I was a bit skeptical because you don't really listen to African music in Europe. However, we have Harry as a producer with us. Who has just produced for big Namibian artists.

Which is super easy for us. And then you notice slowly, how all these Instruments and all those vibes so really come in, a little swing on the drums on it and stuff like that. The nice thing is, here you can suddenly see all the Namibian artists with whom I meet here, there they meet, they are all in one place ein Studio zusammen und man kennt sich, man freut sich. Come with me, come with me. EES is working on his new album. He invited several producers from Germany to work with us on his album. He invited several producers from Germany to work with us on his album. Arafat, you know what? Just let me freestyle. I'll do two or three versions, and you pick the best one.

My name is Ras Sheehama, I am an Afro-Reggae musician. We love EES. EES is a nice guy. EES is the son of Soul. The soul of soul that makes some kind of township music. It is really something significant for the black population that EES makes township music. I can say nothing but that EES is the son of Soul. That's why we're here, that's why he's part of the independent song. I'm Derrick, sound engineer, and welcome to Namibia in Studio 6. You have to say: You give yourself an Ongombe (thumbs up) You guys need to meet this guy. Patrick from PDK. Long time, so, we've been doing this for years, we've done a lot of songs together. It's really cool that I meet him here, because the connection just fits between us. Since yesterday we sit here and think about beats and everything. I'd say you listen to a Kraans song and play to it.

What we want to achieve is to mix the music of two continents. And that's why we're all sitting at the same table to work on it. Perfect, one more time and then we can go over to playback. That was very nice. Shouldn't we do another one? He could do a solo as a structure on the beat. That's really nice, now the two worlds are coming together. Imms plays super African guitar and the beat is like this commercial European. The combination of African and European style is for me: The biggest difficulty is to mix the two styles, respectively the two cultures, but this gives you something unique, something beautiful. But that was good. Exactly these two together. In German: That was good. How's your German? Not so good. Just say: I love you. You see, Namibians only know that one. I think we've had enough. You've got so much, I think we can easily do something with it.

Absolutely. There was a part I thought was really cool. Made a great transition. Well, I know, of course, that the music industry is really weird, really crazy, a bit broken for me and somehow fake, but something tells me, EES, don't give up, go on, show the people out there, that there's also a style, called Nam-Flava. The much the joy of life, the colorfulness, the freshness, the yes, simply combines the best of two continents somehow.

That's how you do it, you do the shoulder and then the shoulder. Ok, now I know. Little to the left, little to the right. Ne ne, don't kissing. Fabian landed this morning. He came two days later. He was still in Oslo, he was a bit busy with other producers. Yeah, well, I'm Fabian from Berlin. I've been making music for a long time. So and now I'm heading for the bush. Artists who are known in Germany from the television and radio, almost all of them were in my studio or I went drinking with them once. One of them. So, we've been two days in Windhoek, this is the capital where I was born and now I just want to take the boys a little bit into the bush, where you see animals.

That we can focus on our music without distractions. And yes, here we go. Approximately 3 hours we drive through the bush and then it's gonna be really nice. I am looking forward to it. Let's go! so there is wild animals all around here so we are in the middle of nature reserve rigtht now the wild animals come up to here – up to the water everything, giraffes all of this is very inspiring now we want to make dance music but I think here is more ballads and sexy vibes …and cool down so Herry don't go at night here …wandering off – looking for stuff trying to talk on your phone, with the bad signal …wheres my signal hey mother …I can't hear you! there is something that is really typical for African music that I really like …one always has the feeling that when
one listens to the sound that there are always many people making music together and I find this togetherness something very beautiful even when the title says it's only a solo artist one still has the feeling that is at least an 8 people band or percussion group involved in the sound and the whole vibe it just has a different drive with that it's actually on this note one cannot hear it like this
…but with headphones you should be able to hear it now that sample we could add…
which sample? the ones that coming now we could add a type of Major Lazor
lead sound on top of that …totally! that is not just…

Brass we could also just cut something in here ok, I withdrew myself now into one of the rooms
here at Okonjima Lodge because there is too much action out there and I am someone that when I write my lyrics I need space and I dig deep into my soul not sure if one can say that in german but I need I need a quiet place to feel the beat and try to understand and hear what the music is telling me I should say because music for me is like I am basically a messenger but many times I get the feeling almost every time I do music that somewhere out there, there is an energy let's say from the universe out there just comes and then takes control over my body and then all the creativity just flows …and then when I am done it's like I look at it and ask myself – what just happened here? for me its something completely different to be working on my music like this normally I do everything myself and now it feels like as if I sand here and say – ok boys, I trust you …help me! It's a really weird feeling
but at the same time something really cool because I give away a certain part of this control away! you do that part, you do that and now I only need to focus on this part it's actually a really great feeling and totally weird – well just great to see how music connects people and that is one of the things that actually concern me a bit and I think about it a lot what…

Is happening in the music industry nowadays? what is the content of the lyrics? what is in the music videos? half-naked woman, alcohol I sometimes take time to look at the trends every Friday when its new music releases and I listen to all the new tracks just thinking he? I just don't get it anymore
because what I understand is that the energy and power music has and what it can do the things I have experienced here in Namibia how how different cultures, how black & white all come together to celebrate music just because of music check there at 9 o'clock ok we just found a Leopard …there he is its was a bit shocking for me, because you sit in an open vehicle no doors, no nothing – everything just open and then you drive with a relatively loud motor somehow only a few meters away.

I mean when you have seen such a wild Leopard in real life and we just approached him like that thats when you start to think: " ok…" one cannot do much when he instinctively decides to gets hungry hey, back in the car well, it's way more exciting when you see a wild animal in real life that to see one, in a zoo, where they actually do not belong it's something truly amazing and I also need to say that, even thou one has the feeling of totally being owned that moment if something would happen, that makes it really exciting that when you really appreciate the moment Fernando will be walking in front we gonna split the group in two follow him in single file formation so one after the other I will be in the middle so running and screaming and shouting – no go! standstill, remain calm moving behind whatever you point out for you questions from your side for now? is it fine to shit in your pants, but just not be loud? yes, exactly! we can do the rest afterwards but if you have to shit in your pants, just shit in your pants so the two Namibians,
we are right in the back me, I can run fast bra let the germans walk in front
we stay here in the back ok we just saw the rhinos now we will walk around them for me, personally, it was bad I would never want to encounter something like that like, no no no guys we, we ,we …don't do such things its was something good, it was a frightening thing and it helps you mentally as well next time you see how to approach a problem or something you know you went through such a situation but I would never want to repeat such good job Fernando thank you thank you for taking care of the rhinos please take good care of them they are such beautiful animals are you not scared of following such things? I am not scared yes, you not scared he is not scared I find it really beautiful how how not just every producer just works for themselves but the collaboration between them all if…

Gideon and Herry are currently working on something and they feel like they are stuck they send it over to Kraans, and you see the USB stick going over the table the whole time and then he sits down and works on it then he sends it back to Herry, who then works on the bongo's drums because that is one of his specialty you mean like normal I am really happy that Herry is part of this he is the long-time producer of EES
and they have done a lot together already he also lives here in Namibia and Herry brings a lot of experience to the table when it comes to the drums he really knows his things obviously, we got a couple of examples from EES in what direction we should go and we try to imitate it but its just something try to imitate as we go back and use manly our experience from European music but then when Herry puts on his headphones to have a listen then he will tell you to put a little bit more swing at some parts take some parts away then one realizes he really does it authentically so its really in his blood the way he does it and that's something completely different when one just tries to rebuild something the combination is good, because I would make something and give it to the two guys, or I could give it to anyone and then they give their opinion or they say give me your file and I work on it and then they bring it back to me to finish it so…

It's quite good I am happy about it so just this, or the part before that? this was basically my risk so to say where I said I want to risk only bringing something only once I find the first melody so strong that I would want it to come again but thats exactly why I din't do it …but why? African influences in the pop music nowadays more common than ever the grooves the instruments, from marimba to calimba percussion so… I think that the sound on the one side at the moment is very much hyped and …EES has the opportunity to present it as authentic as possible compared to all the other artists because he grew up with the sound that just currently use it as an add on style or something exotic with EES it's authenticity I think it could work very well Ok, now you dropping it this, "dunk, dunk" is beautiful just had a listen to the first track that Daniel made its really cool how…

We took something European,
that we can play to anyone in Europe but we put some african elements in there just a vocal sample like "Hemtanaa"! just one sound like "dunk" and just these two sounds are totally enough for me personally
to still have that african feel which is very important to me and the rest – we can play to anyone in the world, and they will be like …nice! that is exactly the combination that I wanted African music
…if there is even something like "the" African music as it is very diverse primarily lives from the incredible rhythms and percussions and from an incredible energy it's really amazing, but if one … looks at it from a western pop direction with the current sound the sounds sound a bit old but with EES we have the chance to make a best of both worlds meaning currently hyped sounds and standards mixed with interesting, authentic African vibes so if you would have asked me 3 years ago
what is your dream just short and sweet then I would have said a world hit travel everywhere – perform on big stages do collaborations with big other artists like Balck Eyed Peas or David Guetta since about 3 years am I in a way like, wait a minute EES, you are already living your dream I have the honor to wake up in the morning and make music I can do exactly want I want to so I am already living my dream I have arrived and I am currently living my dream so basically you are seeing my dream waking up, working together with other music producers make great music music that gives the people energy positive energy I feel that in music can either make you feel good or…

Sad… or…aggressive depressive and I like to make music that makes you feel motivated I get soo many messages from fans that tell me, "EES – I really had a bad day… …but then I put in your CD and listen to two tracks and I feel good again!" and that for me is priceless before it gets to dark – I would say we should start…well, we are bringing the heat with our music …and now we bring the heat with actual fire bushmen style!-) it is really difficult let me quickly show you how it works because… if only one of us does it wrong then the whole thing will not work please take the bottom of your hand like this and really push down hard moving left and right …not like that!-) somebody then needs to help me I will first make the hole a bit bigger one needs to press it down if you do it differently, you will have blisters on your hands tomorrow it's important to press down hard and move quick and always move up quick ok? are you ready you need to help me, I will not manage on my own just like with this album ok are you ready? come this side, opposite of me it's important to move quick should I put my foot on it? no, mine stays on press down no, not that way, shit should we alternate? look exactly at how I am doing it I am holding it tight then I go up hold on, ok now take over quicker and more pressure look, I am pressing really hard we will not make it that easy, we won't make it take over hard quick exactly it's almost there we won't make it if we not speeding up now I cannot keep going, my arms are tired please help me Gideon, you go again, you know how I beleive in you I can't anymore I am here super go on for longer, till the bottom press down hard it's difficult hey? It's glowing keep it closed so the wind doesn't get too much …and now the trick teamwork boys looks so easy but …ouch, ouch amazing nice one with teamwork it's possible, I would have not been able to do it on my own and that is exactly how we will produce this album with teamwork this is how I like driving this is my co-pilot Mr.

D-Rush himself, so I can do my social media and on these streets it's easy, so – co-pilot on quick break Usakos is that way and it's very hot I cannot stop my car because the starter doesn't work somehow so after driving through the desert for 20 minutes we met up with Gernot he is from Nautilus studios and he told us about this special place here in the desert there are these rock, when one hits them they make a certain sound and this sound we want to record and use it in the album so now we look for some good rocks and start hitting them and record the sound and mix it into the new track check out this sound wow has a nice reverb this one what do you think? it's a hit hey? we can already start with the title! what is the title? I don't know ROCK BOTTOM let's see if this also makes a sound ouch, ouch, ouch!-) I mean even the fact that we are here and the whole vibe is already a great inspiration and has a great variety between being outside exploring things like the desert rocks and then also being in the studio working on music and then to come back to our own safe space where we work on the music with a group that is also very inspiring well the atmosphere is everywhere the whole project is inspired by the people EES is such an easygoing and open person that it's not difficult to work with him he also gives us a lot of creative freedom and is really open for many ideas it's really relaxing and one never needs to fear that that one writes something and one is completely wrong I think the same he opened up to us – we did the same in return with this project and him and no one at any point was so way off to not feel part of it anymore how does the flow continue? let go again there are 4 lines now kind of we are currently busy with a song which is still called "ocean" because we are right net to the sea here and we rebuild the story in a way that the temptation if you travel the world and one see's a lot of very beautiful ladies everywhere because the whole world is full of beautiful ladies and its a temptation and how to handle it so the whole time we are sitting here talking about this about it, then we get some ideas and everybody is laughing because one can relate and that is what we are currently busy with to write the lyrics straighten it out I would rather: "everywhere the girls try to tempt me…

Seduce me… …trying… …to… …me the girls tryna tempt me… tryna tempt me… maybe "seduce me" is ok yes, I would add that and the last line: "…they all want a piece of EES" next time I will just take along like 2 ladies just to balance it out a bit better because one can feel the tension in this room the two boys are already on the bed it smells like men here EES is such a grateful character that it is very easy to write stuff for and with him you just talk to him for 10 minutes and suddenly have a thousand more ideas on what to write about because he is such an interesting person that he is a true inspiration the lines are just flowing especially if all songs are anyways about girls than that line might not fit in that song but in another It could even be the hook somehow we only have songs about girls the whole time "Hunt Like a Lion" for instance!!! then this love song …"I am in love with your Sister" Lion Girl we only do songs about ladies as time passed I got a bit more relaxed because I realized we have hit songs we have the best combination between of European commercial pop and the African deep root …rhythm! and that was exactly the combination that I wanted I really thought in the beginning that it will not be easy because in Germany I have already worked with many German producers but never we really managed to the rhythm, or almost never we managed to get it right in a way that you can really feel it in a way that it is authentic African rhythm I think the difference is that by inviting the whole team and the combination that Herry was part of it helping with the African rhythm and that combination made it really good show me what you did there in the beginning – you made it blank right? Jigga! Am I sort of right? almost I would like to do it like …Jigga Jigga
instead of…

You understand? I want to vary it a bit I can try to tell you where I think the "Jigga" should be That would be good, and will help – yes In my opinion, African music is not that far off from the reggaeton that we know and that works really well where we come from I mean "KWAITO" which is quite big here and what EES has been doing all this time …is for the average person from a western background or area or in Europe not that different between Reggaeton and Kwaito or not that obvious If one produces it what quickly realizes which elements one has to put some special attention to I think people that do not really work with music will not really see the difference that much as we do That's why I think this sound has the potential to also work well in Europe because I have always done Kwaito I have a minimal different flow than the average so let's try if it will also fit in to this track Ok let's try Ok hold on I think the pizza has arrived Boys, the food has arrived Herry is so I concentrated on his music …when Herry has his drums going and the loop is working then he is cut of from the world what I really must say is that one feels a lot of energy in the music and because I am someone who loves rhythms is it's something I really like the parts someone else will sing? it's just a feature and you just do the verses it will not change much It won't change much you think?
no! if you really really love someone then there is nothing above that, in my opinion no matter how important…

…yes and that is supposed to be the message in the end No, everybody realizes the guy loves Namibia cause they look at you from top to bottom and just know – this guy loves Namibia! and everybody can relate, just like he said – for me it might be something different but there is always that one thing is just soo important to me and its more in a funny way in a way like: "baby you know it's important to me!" obviously, I would do it for you but …what is above love? smoking, ..Namibia…nothing it's just something funny between two people where the one person know – its soo important for the other one and everybody that uses a bit of his brain will understand that these things that are "important" are not really important most probably not probably, I feel thats a fact I don't think so …well its something personal for him if it is really an issue, then it will not change then I would rather use the second verse and write it in a cool way I also think so so that everybody knows she says thank you I understand what you are giving up summer I will come with you you know what I mean – make the second verse real you know exactly what I mean, in that way we will all wake up tomorrow with this tune in our head we currently have a little situation because Fabian came up with a really catchy chorus idea for a new song but in the song itself it's about that I tell my loved one that I would do everything for her except to leave Namibia for her Like EVERYTHING but never leave Namibia which is not true –
cause I live in Germany for almost over 15 years and I did that without even thinking to leave Namibia to be with her and that's why I cannot relate to this I cannot do it we had a very long discussion now about this topic how we can put a twist in there
so we can still do the song because the chorus is quite cool, but…

I cannot do it right now and this type of studio in Namibia, is still something amazing for me I may not get used to it – otherwise, I will always come here …or I need to get use to it yes you need to then I will always come here what happens when I press this button? mmhmm we…? well, the Nautilus Studio don't need to hide itself in comparison with any studio in Germany or Europe super equipment the rooms sound good – all on a very high standard he should do the same parts 3 times go back to the part where the beat already starts here?
start somewhere there that where the parts starts I think so it is three bars I will hear the nice drums,
then I will know EES has the ability to give the essence of a culture a certain voice especially for someone that grew up in Namibia his language and accent they resonate with the people it's more than just words!
there is a feeling of nostalgy and humor especially a humor to laugh about yourself and that's something I really find fascinating I knew it then it will flow Yes, I am still reading too much EES has a big heart and hospitality And has a great passion for what he is doing one can really feel it in all of his songs and lines
but also when working together with him it's very inspiring to work together with a musician that on one side really lives his passion but still is open-minded thankful influences and ingredients from others creative heads, accepts and with no ego – but still plenty of self-esteem it's a lot of fun working with him can you hear me? can you make the endings a bit shorter,
not much but just a little bit just a very little bit just let the beat give you the flow of things ok just let it play in the background
it will help me a bit I don't know which take is on at the moment let's go again EES is a real pro in front of the mic his performance and endurance doing everything as close to perfect as possible is remarkable shows that he really has years of experience his voice is very unique and its stays in the head with a high recognition value and a lot of people can identify themselves with it It's hot in Africa and celebrate the high notes a little more at the end not too long especially the communication between producers and musician was quite interesting for me because everybody has their own way of doing things and because it great to see how other do it and learn from it as its an important aspect of a recording ok we managed to finish 3 songs now I am sweaty all over I must always switch on the airconditioning when we not recording its really working well well, the…

I am amazed that my voice is still good most of the time when I give soo much power the maximum 2 Songs – but we now going for song 4 the whole project, which we have been working on the last couple of days here and there is slowly coming together and is now already – without being mixed sounding really amazing over the speakers we should take that part away EES is definitely someone in my opinion a true performer he puts more value into making the mood and give the people through his music a certain vibe and also spread the African style rather than impressing the people how much talent and perfect voice he has that is something he doesn't care too much about what he does care about is staying true to himself he does not want to do something that would rather guarantee him success but doesn't feel right to him its will land on the first bar and there are two gone no just one – hunt like a lion it would be perfect if you put them all on a bar for me yes, exactly that's what I did we are justing coming out of the studio,
finished for today with a couple of songs still stuck in the head I am really happy, it worked very well the combination of Africa and Europe, to mix them together, I always thought its a myth but it's not a myth – the shit is real it has worked and makes me really happy right now the whole team was nice and everybody worked together I am just really sweaty right now because I was performing in front of the mic the whole time make a shower, oh man my word my german is really getting bad now just follow me now I just need to chill a little now
it was great EES feels Africa is feeling German Pop has a story to tell has a really unique voice & stage presence I think Germany and Europe is just waiting for an artist like EES with his music There is just no other second artist out there that is like EES what he brings together is what I know very rare and unique to make the music that he feels where he can make the most out of it and then can say he did his best he can and made the best possible album EES is someone with a lot of energy he is very much encouraging like he brings that energy to you he is a good guy
very good guy he always has this slogan "musician with a mission! and that is exactly what he represents obviously, he is an musician primary but he also has a message that he wants to bring across now I arrived at a point where I think I did everything I could I organized this whole project to really bring to continents together two very different types of culture but with the music we are all just humans and when a rhythm feels good and when a specific song makes you feel good then it shouldn't matter if its Indian, African European, American, …Eskimo whatever is it just feels right and with this album, I think we really hit the center of the target that this feeling will be present
when listening to this music you will not be able to sit still I PROMISE YOU! and its just so beautiful …this will be a game changer! a few months later Yes, …and then we came back from Namibia and the Major Label i was siogned to at that point din't have the interest to even listen to a single song that we produced on our trip very strange and that did cost me a lot of enegry a lot of months with lawyers etc to get out of that contract which at the end luckly worked out very well and then I was an independent musician again Then I started a crowdfunding …to finance my whole album and projects It was amazing
it was just great to see all these people supporting me soo many send donations it was an amazing feeling so, we whole on track with the Album launch and even an Album Tour was already planned and then…

When then the world change a tiny bit …then came Corona! It wasn't a great time at all because… …I was so ready, I was so ready! but… suddenly everything came to a STOP! one couldn't plan, one couldn't do anything at all it was a very frustrating time for me …and it got worse and worse till one day I just woke up and decided: "…so!" ENOUGH! The Album needs to be released! with this Game Changer Album, I want to wake up a music industry that is soo full of dust, so rusty, it became like this over the years… …that musicians like me barely have the chance to get heard with their music …trust me really difficult!
something needs to happen And then it all just clicked and I got ready,
finalized all the productions of the Album and got myself a team of people that also believed in the fact that something needs to change, and we pushed really amazing, its an honor to get all this support from the people out there …without them it would not have been possible and now the Album is out there and it's a Game Changer So If you have watched the movie up untill now,
and also believe that something needs to change…

in the music industry then join the movement tell your friends and family about my story, my music but not just mine, all independent musicians out there musicians that believe in their art that have a true story to tell, this honesty needs support lets support these type of musicians and I really belive that we all work together and we all pull on the same rope…..then we will change something!
I know it! I know it! and I am looking forward to that time,
these are very exciting times right now …and I am very thankful that I can do what I am doing/ creating …what i FEEL! and that is… Game Changer Music! Yes-Ja!.

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