Friday 1 October 2021

Cajon Tutorial: Five Stroke Fill Lesson

Hello cajon players It has been a while since I've managed to upload something here to YouTube But today I did have some time off And I've been in the backyard as you can see Doing a bit of cajon practice And as usual, I've stumbled across something that I wanted to share with you guys today And that's a neat little 5 stroke fill The way that it's divided up is: RRLLR LLRRL RRLLR and so on to round out the bar It's using a bit of finger technique So we've got it divided up so that those RRLLR LLRRL Anyway, where going to divide that up so we've got a bit on the bass, a bit on the snare Making some big accents as we go through And what I'd like to do now is show you how that sounds really slow So at least we can get things started And then we'll try and play around with it a little bit more and we'll see what you guys can do with it as well So let's get started on this 5 stroke fill! So spend a bit of time getting that together You'll probably find it takes a while to get the strength and definition across each stroke But personally, what I find most beneficial out of this exercise Is how it really teaches you to go from bass to snare and also from finger to slap very quicky So you get a little more agile as you practice So starting it off nice and slow Means that as you go through you find that you can go from bass to snare, different technique, and your hands get better at flipping from mode A to mode B If that makes sense to you guys I would try thinking about that concept with some of the other grooves or fills that you play as well If there's a component of that, that's feeling difficult maybe it's because one of your hands has to go from mode A to mode B in such a short stretch of time Sometimes there's a way around it There are all these creative solutions to making that technique feel easier So try and bear that in mind with some other things that you're working on too And now, back to that fill that we're working on today.

We've got the basics of it together But now let's figure out how it's going to go into the music The groove that we're playing So let's just alternate between one bar of basic groove and one bar of the fill and I'll put on the metronome too So that we can keep it together, So now that it's starting to get a little bit darker out here I feel like now might be a good time to start wrapping things up for you guys So we've got the fill, we've got the groove on either side Now, with that fill though, I have a bit of a challenge for you guys okay So, if we take that and look at the two parts The first part being the 5 stroke section And remember before I was talking about "finishing off that bar" Now there are so many different variations that you can play with for that last section So, if you take that RRLLR LLRRL RRLLR ____ There's space and then back into the groove Okay, so, let me show you a couple of little variations to get you started And then my challenge to you is to see if you can change it up a little bit as well.

And that's where I'll sign off for today's cajon lesson I do hope you enjoyed it and have found some useful ways to implement that Now if it's your first time seeing one of my videos Don't forget to check out the rest of the channel There's lots of different things to learn broken up into different categories like: fills, beats to learn, time signatures, even just tips on practicing, lot's of stuff like that So head over to the channel and check that out Now, if you want to see more of these videos as I upload them in the future, you can subscribe to the channel Which just means that you'll see them in your YouTube stream So you can check them out that way as well! Anyway, I'll see you guys on the next video.

Catch ya later!.

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