Sunday 31 October 2021

7 Rock Drum Fills for Beginners

(drum music) – Hey, how's it going everyone. My name's Dave, and I want to talk to you in this lesson about drum fills for rock. Now, before we get into rock fills, what is a drum fill anyway? I know a lot of drummers
think it's a miniature solo. Or it's a time when the drummer can play a lot of patterns or a lot of chops. Now, where you're not
technically wrong there, a drum fill is basically
a transition piece.

It's meant to either
transition a verse to a chorus, or a chorus to a bridge,
or you can use a fill to build or release tension. It's basically a deviation from the beat you're already playing
to introduce something new to the listener and to move on to something else behind the drums. All you're trying to do is
break up the consistency of what you're doing to introduce
a new groove or new feel. Or build some tension
or release some tension. Now you can play drum fills for as long or as short as you want,
however, there are three common durations for
fills that you'll hear in rock pretty regularly.

There's the full bar
fill, the half bar fill, and the quarter bar fill. Now the goal isn't to
learn the exact fill, if you want to, that's great, the goal here is really to internalize the duration of these fills so you know when to start and when to stop. A successful fill starts at the right time and ends at the right
time, which in most cases is on the one of the next bar.

And most rock fills crash
at the end of the fill. Now, these aren't 100% rules
of thumb you have to live by, but they're pretty common,
and if you play and learn the style, you're not gonna
get kicked out of any band. Now let's start with a full bar fill. Now in order to make these as useful as possible when you're practicing, try to practice them in phrases, either two bar phrases
or four bar phrases. So if you don't know what that means, I'm basically gonna play one
bar of beat to set it up, and then the next bar
I'm gonna play my fill, whether that's a full bar,
half bar or quarter bar. Let's start with the full bar here. Before I even get into any fill, I'm just gonna play a bar of space, so you can hear how effective just playing nothing sounds as a fill.

(drumsticks tapping) (drum music) Don't shy away from space. Space can be sometimes very effective. And by playing nothing for a full bar, it builds a lot of tension. And when you crash back in,
that tension is released, which is very effective. Let's try a fill where
we build the tension from low volume to high volume. This is a very common fill, and it's known as the eighth note build, okay. We're gonna basically play
eighth notes on the floor tom and the snare, at a low dynamic range, and we're gonna raise that
volume up towards the end. This is called a crescendo,
and we're gonna play the bass drum on the
quarter notes very slowly, it sounds like this. (drum music) Okay, let me play that for
you in a beat fill context. (drumsticks tapping) (drum music) So give that fill a try. Another one I want to show
you is a very, very common one that a lot of beginners learn right away. And it's just sixteenth
notes all around the kit.

All right, four on the
snare, four on the high tom, four on the mid-tom,
and four on the low tom. It's kind of boring, but at the same time, it's very effective, and for beginners, it's a good one to start with. Here's how it sounds. (drumsticks tapping) (drum music) One more I want to teach
you is the Bonham triplet. This is another very classic fill, made popular by John
Bonham, you'll hear it in a lot of Led Zeppelin songs. But it's great because
it's a triplet-based fill, it's for a full bar, and you can use it in straight rock, or swung rock, or even blues, and styles like that. The pattern is simply high
tom, low tom, bass drum. One triplet, two triplet,
three triplet, four triplet. (drum music) And the hard part about this
fill is when you end the fill, you usually want to crash
on the one of the next beat, so you're gonna have to play
two bass drums in a row. (drums thud) Something like that. Now let me play it for you
in context with a swung feel. (drumsticks tapping) (drum music) All right, let's move
on to the half bar fill.

The half bar fill I find is a little bit more useful and versatile
because you don't need to use a whole bar just to play a fill. And the smaller fills,
the more subtle fills sometimes are the most impactful. All right. So a half bar fill's gonna start on the three count of the bar. One, two, three, four. One, two, three, four. Okay, this is essential. Practice how it feels to start a fill on the middle of the bar
or in the middle of the bar on the three count of the beat. Once you get that down,
there's so many possibilities. I'm just gonna start
with a very simple one, which is gonna be all
sixteenth notes on the snare. Three E and a four E and a, can't get any more simple than that.

So, one, two, three E and a four E and a. We're gonna crash out,
and we're gonna play it in a two bar phrase. Here we go. (drumsticks tapping) (drum music) All right, I want to give you one more fill idea for a half bar fill. We're basically gonna
play a flam on the snare, a bass drum, a flam on the toms, choose whichever tom you want, and then another bass drum. We're gonna do it in eighth notes. So, one, two, three and four and. Very effective, check it out. (drumsticks tapping) (drum music) So experiment around with
half bar fill concepts. The last one I want to talk
about is quarter bar fills.

Now, these are very quick. They're only gonna start on the four, and they're gonna end on
the one of the next bar. So you don't have a lot of time. They're very subtle. But what I like about quarter bar fills is you don't have to always
play quarter bar fill before a chorus or before a bridge. You can play them in
the middle of a verse, just to change things up a bit, or to add a little spice to the beat. What we're gonna do is a simple sixteenth note roll on the snare. One, two, three, four E and a. Four E and a's all on the snare. I'm gonna play it in a two bar
phrase for you, here we go. (drumsticks tapping) (drum music) Now you could move that roll on the snare around the toms, you
can play eighth notes, like we did for the half bar
fill, just cut that in half. Let me show you a couple
of different ideas.

(drumsticks tapping) (drum music) So there you have a couple drum fill ideas for the style of rock. Now again, you don't have
to go and look for a ton of different fills, you
don't have to find books that show, you know,
thousands of fill ideas. All you need to do is take the concept of full bar, half bar
and quarter bar fills, and experiment with different patterns. The key to a good drum
fill is starting on time and ending on time confidently. What makes a drum fill sound bad is when you're kind of wavering in time, or you're ending a little bit late or a little bit early. And remember, space is your friend. Sometimes the best notes are
the ones that aren't played. So don't be shy of playing nothing, or keeping it very simple. Find a fill that fits the song, and have fun with these concepts. We'll see you in the next lesson. (rock music).

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hello hello how are you guys how are you I hope very good how good to see you welcome to this weekly broadcast 80 consecutive weeks an equally important number or not, that is, there is a lot of things behind so these as they are we have here it has also connected to pivot here We are active teachers, how are gonzalo from iquique, always present, cristian lópez also there in the active chat, tell me what country are they talking to me about, please, she angel how is she and angel munguía sure and also connected with francisco is cristian lópez who is craig el hello hello hello jaime fan tells me where again from massachusetts we have there pronounce it well massachusetts eye a word a bit complicated fallow stretch also at the times i live the teacher you already know that we are starting diego another emerge low like thais [__] [__] [__] input angel meza not also day of exposure for the teacher's class that this kid is entering hello hello it is said like this It's like I'm fine, thanks to God he's coming but I'm going to activate on not disturbing there, yes, like Tiger 64 or Cristian López is from Mexico present, omar alias from Argentina, Argentina, Osvaldo Avendaño, as he is there in many names that I see whenever he will be connected, boy and I really appreciate the connection here gerardo ortega is also from Argentina and well as a result of how I see them on several occasions that is why this monthly podcast is made with subscribers yesterday we recorded the sixth episode with subscribers and if we talk about the sixth episode with subscribers is because it is a monthly episode we have 6 today my eternal battery runs out, damn let me put another one that the phone is going to pay for and we have been doing this for six months from the podcast with subscribers so we recorded it yesterday and it was super I like the fun to interact with and with people like that out pretty good and if you want to participate in this podcast subscribers all that tien is what to do in tomorrow's video put your email and your own chat I also want to participate because I want to participate on YouTube it is difficult to find the user channel is not a very simple social in terms of comments to get in touch with one with other people so if you want to participate in the email if you have twitter better more comfortable for me twitter so there are some who also communicate to me but they could not for different reasons but we managed to establish contact yesterday so it was quite good here in more we have here Cristian López from Mexico I think I did Juan José Serrano teacher waiting for patient news I am at 14 71 is the attitude is but the exploit is right I am in williamsburg Virginia well that is very well here waiting for it to be October 21 this is Angel Munguía He is coming that Thursday he will be there but it detonates and ximo there diego rosales how are you diego driver too I always see you diego behind but tremendously u Twitter suarios to contact you so that we can record the spirit of online TV that is the hashtag if I read like I want it to be broth by harwin tweet for when I listen to music and between a message do not lower the volume and well I know a you who It does it but we do it not only for that but it does many other things and it is called smart notifications as well as smart notifications smart notification and you can tell it that I do not know in which application you want that to happen even that you can set the volume of The notifications are very cool if you cannot leave the volume of the notification mute, something that does not interrupt you or leave them soft, you choose it very good as it is there eduardo hello is fernando and also in the chat hello is already entering people we are not cheering Little by little they will start to enter that Edward tells me fine and good as I am fine thank God I do not know if he remembers but I bought the ipad You did not buy the fourth g Eneration caught my attention of the ipad mini 6 because of the size is that this ipad mini that came out now is like an ipad pro mini does not have the Haitian face but out of that tremendous beast that is they made a terrible terrible machine hello teacher finally before the 7 volts so it is so it is incredible but but it is incredible that we can have a after such a long time I am really super excited to be enjoying it and to continue the break and that less than a month in less than a month two weeks of 30 days we have a jailbreak and we already know that it is there, what is important is that the people who are in 14.6 do not get discouraged and point 7 points 7.1 so they are in point 8 there is no choice but to stay there waiting longer the wait will be longer imagine in ios 15 more still so but in any case that what happens with 14.6 14 71 was part of the conversation we had yesterday on the podcast so don't miss it is the sixth episode sixth month of podcast with subscribers already done e one monthly greetings from paraguay Cristian also for you waiting for the djembé that at 12 is the attitude waiting and not despairing we could be another hashtag with that fernando says this secular lion show their support this is thanks fernando que and cj alfredo rodríguez or the prophet You agree that when I said I had no computer to check serious because I sold my iphone buy a pc gamer but keep changing all greetings live from Paraguay but I know it makes no phone you have to have and I guess if you do not change you feel the phone To opt for a computer it is because the computer provides or covers more of your needs.

Call him, I govern, greetings from Paraguay. I was also born of Christian, so good, thank you, professor, others, but 2 rodriguez, for being then watching the live and thanks to you also for being connected. I tell everyone who is watching the broadcast, even the replay because there are many people who watch the live show afterwards I realize Ta that usually on the live it ends will be 500 visits and then when good if it goes very well three times that ended with 500 but it doubles 1500 then it triples 1500 2000 and sometimes it reaches 3000 that is, there are people who see the repetition and if you are watching the replay thank you thank you I appreciate it a lot and I hope to have a live broadcast soon so that we can have this conversation and read your comment in real time marlon valladares teacher greetings from honduras and now he is going to buy the iphone 3g it seems that It is and Marlon it seems that it is and he seems that it does well, I am already in doubt and because it is like an iPhone 12 s, it will be that it will not surprise next year but it is that it has not changed much device and it is already true that You have to change it, they call when I don't have the 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 so time goes by for four years with the same job that I'm happy I'm happy with my phone beyond having an unstoppable jailbreak it 's because in real I feel that I do not need more and that is an issue that someone has to control my heart to know how to say I do not need more for here and well, it is also difficult for me I have to admit it is those mentioned I think other times it costs me because when I say a thousand dollars and a thousand dollars charapan take my money but and the money is thanks to God I have a savings a special fund which is a new phone and that fund has been collecting the money for three months and three years but when I think of a thousand dollars suddenly I think that I can do with a thousand dollars for me and a thousand dollars for my family my wife my children and that is where you enter into that clash an agreement is like something personal there is also that other side that I say I deserve it I do not deserve it I do not have the personality and everything I have worked for And now with 4 years I can't change and even though my wife tells me the days really change, you have worked for that, it forces you then but that is what really stops me well and I think the same with the clock and The watch I would also like to have it and if I am going to have a watch it would be the last one because there are but the series 6 at least but I do not have that 16 and if I want to opt for the last one immediately I have to see it a large money that is going to be spent And I think that I am going to do it, well, that tempts me a lot but there is also the other side that now it has waited four years because I do not wait another year, it will be that the iPhone 14 will be more cool than the 13 and if I have not bought in these previous years because personally to my liking it is what I look for as a user the things I do on a daily basis the phone has not driven me crazy none none including the last one also the last one that drove me crazy was the Good days before the 10th I had the iPhone 7 and it was like that little and the phone still surprises me, that is, yes, it changed it on the 13th it will be much better but hey let's see what happens and let's continue seeing here in the comments then you you your teacher angelo here at 14 51 since I entered bu t love bites update I am waiting for you and it is not waiting the padlock is missing a little bit the countdown so it is angel angel meza do not remember hashtag if I read you like there waiting for jailbreak for iphone 11 promax there is gelman there is someone to trace for your phone from 19 to ios 14.3 and jailbreak comes in less than 4 weeks is going to be until I is 14.5 point 1 and then will be in November or December will come I think for the next pressure yesterday May 14 is 15 and I will mention that I I am a cake of agreement so I do talk about it is 15 good that is about in the video miguel already asks me I want and for that it is 15 please just come out if they went up to 915 senior stack and I what are you going to create too we have marlon valladares health teacher from honduras give him brown well he is here again up to he was asking me about the iphone 3 there was a very broad answer and I like the axis thanks to 264 he tells me marco martínez che crime for it is 15 not yet have The news still surprises me one week we are going to comply with it is 15 and we have no news for now about checkpoint, it will be that Paul made other moves around there, it will be that Chocrón says that it will be raining 14 well let's see how all that happens It remained to be seen that what happens with chick queen and I have a special guest for the podcast saving that special topic someone who already juan josé serra did not try to crain on my first generation ipad pro in 14 71 and it did not work my ipad was a processor to 9 well what I recommend if you are in 14 71 you can format the phone without updating the version of it is the tutorial is in the description you can use a tool like 3 youtube and format the phone or your ipad in this case and it Juanjosé remains in the same version in 14 7 1 and when the ipad is clean today you have to make a backup copy before when the ipad is the implicit one there to the lecce crane and after it has the jailbreak afterwards I can nes your backup adam cave cabral how is it there I want you to tell me angel munguía for other forms of the jailbreak 96 launched the exploit that is, the new transformation with computers is a good it is a good mystery that is going to be revealed angel munguía because in The past when we were there, you see 9, it was done only with a computer and the programming has changed a lot since 5 years ago that we had a jailbreak until now, so it may be that it has to vary, maybe it will be one on twitter, all direct From the phone, that is, it would be much more cool, imagine all the time only with a good phone, it 's Eduardo, I'm serious, I'm with an iPhone 7 to give him just that I wanted it, Diego Rosales, I've been with my iPhone X for 3 years, I don't need the other new one.

With 20 commerce or Diego, we are in the past, that's why I put the title of this video is that it feels like being in the year is 15 and living in the past strong is like how I am in ios 15 and in the past people are in yes ngle break and in May 14 we have jailbreak and another jailbreak is coming then an Alicante is going to come in the 14 that in ios 15 I am no longer ahead of 30 minutes we go with those a hug from Uruguay Rodolfo Díaz nice to see it live thanks a Nice to greet someone from Uruguay, there are times that I have told you that I lived in Uruguay a good year, many years ago in 2002 I lived in Montevideo in a building I do not remember now the building as it was called but it was in front of the beach Pocitos la rampla as it was clear rambla not so clear but it will be correct me your avenue peru i dont know what 2002 was until now i forgot sorry but i remember with much affection uruguay juana wrx the greeting from mexico also that what he tells me about iphone 12 how can i uninstall the beta of ios 15 well the way to get out of the veins I think it is by restoring the phone through the computer teacher I change mine if the iphone 12 or 13 comes out of course we are going to go with the desire and update what what I did fernando senior and they want to jailbreak and update that is grass platform pigeons and half answered that the mont guide that what juan agro tells me now professes an application to help audios depends on what type of editing he wanted to do in the Audio and Fernando replied that I can use garageband but it depends on what you want to do and what I did 000 912 spending a thousand dollars is not a joke and it is a lot but if for an ipad pro 2021 with the m1 and a half I spend in fact I want to change I also want to sell my computer this year, I can do a repair a problem that I had in the keyboard this famous butterfly keyboard that the keys sometimes get stuck problem with these back computers and they changed my battery they changed everything to suck it remained Like a new computer, that is, it is clear brand new so I want to take advantage of selling it and see what it will show x 11 x m2 let's see what comes out but you think that in the future it will turn out well.

For 15 if all the devices are going to be jailbroken in ios 15 and all the iphone 3 are going to have to break but obviously the more recent a device is or a version of ios or both in the longer waits already she ortiz of Argentina like this is want you to tell me here muñoz matías think the complexity to achieve and maintain a jailbreak versus security lost and the stability of the phone is no longer compensates for the purpose are aesthetic details and dysfunctional is that good if you talk about aesthetic details of course he wants me to provide you with aesthetic details but he provides you with other things that also help you on your phone to have greater bone productivity for me now we are going ahead in minute 30 but I am going to talk to you about minutes.

I am going to answer you, thank you very much for your comment. I agree in some aspects I agree with you and in others I do not agree that what I did with Saloma the teacher that what spv is doing. he talks about a 914 teapot he has a part of a code he just doesn't have it complete in the year is 14 he doesn't lack the main exploit as he has a piece of the puzzle that is not yet completed ok so at least there is no reason Now, but that's why we are going to wait for what happens this October 31 or this record when we have this exclude tester and see what can be taken out of there and if it can really be implemented in what he says because if it is so good the same pulsar He said that stress could be lowered to me this interesting ether imagine the people who were last until I was 12 for those who have an iphone 5 it is the iphone 6 they can also have their before there let's see today that several comments arrived, greetings too from atlanta georgia to don ascensión moraga arsenio morada that what I did did not start are because I have an iphone 12 promax in 14 as well as you will have jailbreaks going to have the half jailbreak the world land in less than a month v to his money he always agrees and it is a kettle that means that you are going to turn the phone off and on and it will continue with the good active break I want you to give me Mr.

Moraga good arsenio stay where you are and you are at 14.8 since I already had and please do not update any more and be again and another year is not to update more teacher and hope of 14.6 if there is hope of 14.6 of with safari with the green safari then some might compare it before seeing your safari I will stay with the alter but the one on safari how good you have to go to safari you click a link and it jailbreak you do not have to install any application you do not have to download a single megabyte great josé antonio gómez as such jose antonio who had asked me a lot about the director in etf in if it was you josé antonio someone else asks me to be it was now I think it was not a gram here and if I already tried in & friends' I'm not using the revised one will come hopefully this week because this week that It just happened it was so busy so busy I was bad I was late even with the miniatures of Marciano text I was two days late at dawn making miniatures because on the day it was but really glass and if it was not very bad in terms of time and why because we were finishing the term at school and I had to generate reports to the parents of my students in the last exams getting the grades getting the averages was good it's a week every three months so it's terrible it's already bad there in the chat its look its how it is called it is also only the teacher of the ice applications and a crater was generated in all of nowhere it happened to me and even review I lived and I still have the license when applications when opening the applications but transferring the applications from the jailbreak I do not know if you have and the bric on your phone or are you using it without jailbreak also a little more detail eduardo Álvarez own which at 14.8 not because I wanted to because they pay 14.1 but the iphone stayed glued to the apple it is good that it remains as a lesson then they are saving them and if it is on point 8 what is your device you did not tell me eduardo I hope it is an iphone diaz or lower because finally you can do the jailbreak with check rain finally as the concert with iphone 11 pro market to the tutorials to the description of dawn until 14.3 you can hear so many devices if you want if you want that the own has said it over and over again they do not upload exact exact Certain jose antonio Gabriel has been cut like this property in Guatemala City I'm fine thank you for coming in Gabriel that what Juan Jose did 14 71 is already signing it so they no longer sign the signed help 14.8 and the 15 official and 15 to the veins that is the way it is and in none of those you have to be, that is, if it is full of 15 you can still go down to 14.8 and the tutorial is in the description although there is or the 14 will continue to be signed at for it is not going to close it, hopefully I want it to say 264 thanks for answering me professors for that we are in fact this bar I try to do this because the week also costs me to imagine the time even to respond to the comments on the videos when I can go something and do it I do and I answer it but finally I say I am going to keep this weekly video answering all the questions and sometimes the questions asked by an eduard user are repeated with those of another so maybe sometimes I do not answer the question they have but your same question sometimes has another do person would answer someone else comes the answer accordingly thee by please to sponsor the teacher is not who will be watching me I'm nobody actually the 'teacher' used me 18 pulse then 71 I am with check rain I get that there is an update in 14.8 that you recommend that you upload them that you do not upload because first 14.81 is fine it is a long way is late it is a long way to go Je to sign there is no hurry and if you could even get a tie-break in the future up to 14,711 in cover or a bullfighting and it would be without a computer then I would forget about check rain and since you have a device the 8 plus could recover your fingerprint then that from as low as possible although it will surely work in 14.8 but 14 71 could arrive before a jailbreak and wait but it would recover your fingerprint today you can have che crime with true code but imagine with the web and at the same time it would be a mechanism since what I did would give the road domínguez prof 14 7 111 promax there hopes and this Monday I publish a video of 14 this 271 I invite you to see it in fact the miniature seems 14 71 although it is still there great it is very good to me Ask if there is any new news, teacher, the latest news I loved, or I was sharing them when it was the newscast on Thursday, those were like the last one, it is that they have come out, there is also news about it, it is 15 that have appeared from jailbreak.

In ios 15 of the security content of yesterday 15 that could some video that of the future store also appeared people who wanted to be occupying there are news so there I will be doing more new news from Monday I think there will be news on Monday or Tuesday here in more we have here victor tech a greeting professor I stayed at 14 51 to wait for the jockey you stayed in a version but here in what I am going to understand, it does not matter your device is that what they tell me cover continues At the 32nd currently I do not have it since it was deactivated, everything was working fine for me and I am at 14.22 I recommend that they reinstall cover and make it grass remove the alcover application reinstall the anco application pour hare and again we know Some check point in ios 15 jose antonio a while ago answered that flee the news although not brief and because there are no good theories there is also that apple could have said something to him perhaps when doing good Do not remember that last year when Gods came out 14 it did not work check rain it did not work che crime but it removed the code from all devices all devices lost all xavi and the iphone 10 lost the Haitian face but another exploit came out one second which is the black birds and this allowed to activate the Haitian touch in the first generation iphone 6 ss than in the 7 but this exploit did not work in the iphone 8 and in the 10 then it is thought that it appeals to the best it may be a conspiracy theory actually one Like they speculate because they are delaying and what things happened in the past that they could now be implementing so it could be that jose antonio ok here more we have around here i am trying to read all the hashtag comments if i read you like ay jose picatoste you Also that I was asking to check on yesterday 15 I think your question is also answered in what we have here you you you you you Saúl who tells me teacher I have an iphone 8 p lus in 14.5 when the jailbreak arrives in less than a month do not move less than a month but what he invented ago so that they watered wood luke and have to upload well it may be since he is not dealing with old versions of taurine that causes the future me I do not think that it caused it this year is it is the tool clearly or test in some twist that is not compatible with another others that are hacked there may be several options everything that I did so in fact when looking for a possible solution I could not find anything since Anyway, no one hadn't happened there are things that are so unique sometimes there are who knows what I will have done more thanks for answering the same teacher for a long time I have told you thank you are for being here it is all this time teacher apology and another tweet to send music from the watts and today I don't send music from watts and I don't know if anyone knows, say it in the comments, I already left my light thanks to eduardo own has ever spoken of telegram has some group can When I occupy telegram for work more than everything I occupy you are happy for everything that is martian tec the hardest of martian text we handle it by telegram but I don't have a channel there are other people who have telegraaf channels I'm going to have a group I'm gradually setting up a private group but it would not be like a help group but it would be good and detail in which I but for now I do not have a telegram sorry I did not take it I know that jonathan de jong iphone has angel j bay setup and clinton 19 also has who else had cast the other day that we had a podcast also has so you can look for the collaborations that I have made with other influencers by other members of the jailbreak community and see the description of the video and always placed the groups there the telegraph remember that yesterday the podcast was recorded with subscribers it was very good and remember that there is also a raffle of amazing there are 10 licenses of amazing and well the requirement that I had put for that video was that they comment on that video their email but youtube no longer lets you place email so everything they had written I sent them your twitter email send me your account because I already have the skin licenses there they sent it to me and they pay it is great to work With the people there may sing is great and more videos are coming with i'm eighteen and if more licenses come with men sheen, a partnership has already been formed and an alliance could tell you you you you you you we already arrived at minute 30 me I have this forgiveness, save me, please ask the question when they do the contest and it looks david balderrama, david was just asking if I could go to do it because I'm late with the draw for last week's themes, he hasn't shown us yet.

Published the winners it is worth buying the iphone 3 is honored talk about the iphone 13 I think it depends on each one just your project site a tweet to increase the sensitivity of the screen of an iphone 8 plu The question is strange. Israel m 19 that I know of, I don't know, and so I'm going to hide the chat.It's not my intention to leave your question unanswered.It's because now we are at minute 30 and at minute 30 is when I know They respond well, the class is done, we have already put it, this is how the jailbreak class is done with what has happened during the week and well the end of the week this week made a publication on my twitter account let me look for the face on the phone in the which one told them that you put in a tweet that it felt like being in ios 15 and not being able to be doing some things like which and I want to be reading the answers that some people were giving because basically all the answers that what they were were weeks the world of the jailbreak that's why the title of the video is what it feels like to be on ios 15 and live in the past because that's 15 could be the last thing I lived we have in terms of versions of the ios software but if you don't have and versus what You have jailbreak is living in the past so well let's go with the comments that we have here well Fernando sends a lot of comments he says he feels being in it is maybe he can show it since I'm here churra but where is the brightness of the screen let me put myself as the back so I can read what it feels like to be on ios 15 and not being able to protect your device with an alert when disconnecting what the photograph takes when entering the password incorrectly the ro battery mode is activated this is not true 3 that It feels like being at it on the 15th and not being able to block advertising, but why are you talking about blocking advertising on YouTube? Fernando is not done anymore, he is not dead, 15 and it remains to continue to have escaped so blocked, closed your device waiting and jailbreak that what we have I am in a stage of 27.3 I would like I wanted to discover that most of your supposed new functions I already had with the jailbreak for a long time and doing much more still, what does it feel like on the 15th of missing the previous version of the one you were, what it feels like to be in yesterday 15 points we don't even have it was not an average of 15 not being able to enjoy the improvement of its key 28 rhythm and then true rhythm all the time one of my favorites everything that feels for May and 15 and be watching the teacher's videos and whether or not you get annoying or not the book that I announce to my channel or so but hey you get ads or youtube award can not have watusi instagram rock and social networks download the content you want obviously you can have a single break but it is not the same single break because with watusi you lose your chat lose it is not a backup of your messages that it feels like to be in year is 15 and do not access the internal folders of the rut with filsa yes to jonathan who says alfredo that it will be level 15 discover that it is just as boring as any other air without jailbreak it had to be said it was said that it feels to be in it on the 15th no They can use a trace filter of course that to use filters shh you need to have jailbreak on the device that it feels like to have joel 15 who tells me that you can't customize your device, what does it feel like to pay so much for a device and he did n't really study so that they can modify it what it feels like to be at it is 15 online and you can't have it makes me 4 icon in the dock there is life sad May 17 15 continue to have the annoying full screen in a call of course when he calls you on the phone and occupies you all the screen that feels like 15 term and you can't change all the icons with a single tap with our new by the way customize the lock screen whatever it feels like to be in yesterday is 15 and have the same ios 1 lock screen that you feel Being in it is 15 and not having the new functions and having functions of not having them, what it feels like to be on ios 15 and not being able to record your calls so over 15 and you cannot close all the applications that are there is very ltitarea con un toque o con un gesto que se siente estar en ayer 15 y no puedes proteger los bio vez biométricamente antes de apagarlo cuando te lo roban y así hay un montón mostrar más respuesta la gente tuvo muy activa con esto que se siente estar en ios 15 y no poder desbloquear las bandas de tu teléfono cuando viene de otros exacto que se siente pus estuvo bien bueno entonces ese tuit ese hilo son un montón de ejemplo en realidad yo el que había puesto que se siente estar en ios 15 y no poder apagar el bluetooth y el wifi desde el centro de control por eso es el título del vídeo esto es un ejemplo simplemente una pincelada algunas cosas que ustedes mencionaron que se siente estar en ios 15 y vivir en el pasado porque fue anunciado hace varios días atrás que en menos de un mes ya vamos a estar teniendo un jailbreak y fue no quiero decir no me gusta ocupar la frase te lo dije pero la historia volvió a hablar hace unas semanas atrás y es una transmisión en vivo donde les dije me acuer do que era una respuesta para ángel y le di y bueno a raíz de eso nación podcast round 1 y round 2 muy buena cosa colaboración y yo les mencioné que no es porque yo lo creía ni porque a mí se me ocurrió es porque la historia así lo muestra que muestra la historia antes de que saliese bueno todavía no aparece el quiebre del 14 pero ya fue anunciado que se viene menos de un mes pero al menos desde ios 11 12 13 y ahora también se cumple con ios 14 antes de que aparezca el jailbreak en ios 15 va a aparecer el hierve para ello es 14 y la gente que va a tener el hierve que nadie ve 14 es pero sabido muchachos leí algunos ejemplos de todas las cosas que puede hacer con el jailbreak recién creo que era osvaldo el que me decía que solamente personalización y no es solamente personalización varios ejemplos que se leyeron no lo eran por ejemplo uno que quiera grabado mi mente que dijo fernando es el de short moi y york moi y te trae son como 10 tweets en uno para el teclado una personalización so lamente osea tiene gestos tienes atajos cortar copiar pegar tiene solamente tocando botones sustitutos como presionar una tecla más eso es productividad entonces tienes twix de productividad y la productividad lo dice todo haces un proceso en menos pasos y con menos tiempo entonces el jailbreak no es solamente tener iconos distintos y tenéis que explicar eso yo creo que la mejor forma de hacerlo es ir no sé acá la lista de reproducción que yo tengo en mi canal y uno que se llama reviews de tweets y aplicaciones y si entras a ver los tweets te va a dar cuenta que esfuerzo o sea esta semana hoy si dios lo permite voy a hacer un revisado de net friends in & friends es un cortafuegos pero como ningún otro yo tengo uno en el computador que es muy bueno fernando ya que tienes de hecho lo tengo está comprado porque es muy bueno de hecho encontrar lo pirateado es re difícil se llama lideró snitch es para mac se llama el libro de pequeño cuánto costó éste creo que esto como 40 dólares o 50 libr os ni libros ni lo que hace es que cualquier conexión que haga todo el computador que sea saliente del equipo que se comunique con internet te avisa y te pregunta quieres que haga esta conexión y lo hace también con cualquier tipo de conexión entra cualquiera que ingresé cualquiera y te muestra de dónde viene libre los niches pero como será que una de las aplicaciones que estoy en con el computador y dije toma luego te ganaste mineros y igual que con minecraft minecraft comprado todo minecraft te lo ganaste porque en verdad son herramientas muy buenas y que esto mismo lo haga un tweet o genial lágrima encima de netflix hay bien licencias de regalo y quienes son estrés lo hizo fox for mobile el creador de portrait 11 o sea modo retrato en cualquier cámara y eso no es personalización solamente ya que hablamos del modo retrato tener modo retrato en un iphone 6s tener modo retrato en un iphone s de primera generación to 6 lo que es tener modo retrato acá que tiene esta cámara frontal y tie ne esta cámara trasera no hay doble cámara o sea por eso alguien también colocará los comentarios de twitter y con él yo puedo tener funciones de teléfono de alta gama en los más antiguos entonces hoy movió el trípode lo siento entonces cuál es que se siente tener a joel 15 y vivir en el pasado se puede bajar a ellos es 14 puede bajar años es 14 de dos formas la primera forma que es la manera tradicional por llamarlo de una manera que es con itunes o amazing están los tutoriales de la descripción pero podría bajar solamente hasta ello es 14.8 la otra forma de bajar es con kioto rector también está el tutorial en la descripción pero tendría que estar bajando a 14.8 hacer el jailbreak en 14.8 eso significa tener un iphone 10 o inferior y después de hacer el jailbreak haber guardado los s hs h para bajar por ejemplo hasta 14.3 o 14 51 que se va a venir una entera allí pero tienes que haber guardado los s hs h si no los guardas test que lo que eso ya los perdiste ya no se puede hacer pero lo puedes hacer de ahora en adelante y los tutoriales están en la descripción y entonces la idea es poder tener tener siempre ese resguardo ese cuidado esa paciencia de que en realidad ya hablamos de un jailbreak en ios 15 para cuando yo creo que va a ser enero o febrero del 2022 marzo probablemente aunque los últimos han sido en febrero puede que la historia vuelva a hablar nuevamente y nos deje en claro que claro se cumple un cierto patrón un poco extraño no porque todos los hierba que se liberan en febrero ahora va a ser en febrero pero algo ocurre durante estos años que se ha cumplido al menos ese mes en esa fecha en ese período del año pero también podría ocurrir ante el de ayer 15 pero la pregunta es la siguiente si es tan en mayo skin en ios 14 o estaba en el aire el 14 si un jet se viene en el 15 y estamos en 15.0 y yo el 15.0 y se está firmando 15.0 así cuál es la prisa de subir entonces a ello el 15 es que quiero tener las funciones nuevos ok es una buena respuesta bueno argu menta su respuesta justifique tus respuestas cuáles serían esas funciones versus cuáles serían esas funciones ahora versus el jailbreak claro cuando hago esa comparación tener el jailbreak es estar en el futuro muchachos es así de simple o sea no sé cómo cómo decirlo y lo único que espero que fue parte de la conversación que tuvimos ayer en el podcast con suscriptores este año que ha aprendido la lección de que tengo que estar en el año de más bajo es así es simple entonces cuando se venga a yo es 15 claro el 15.0 es la versión más baja que dio el 15 porque no hay otra o hay una veta que 15.1 pero quién sabe cuándo va a salir de esa veta pero por eso muchachos no hay prisa de estar subiendo no le haya sentido subir ahora y perder un año es 14 el cual va a estar recibiendo derecha si te gusta el quiebre que es el tema o si te gusta el jailbreak y quieres tenerlo pronto y que pronto que pronto suena como algunos lo interpretan como estar desesperado pero teniendo en el corto plazo o sea hay gente que y encuentra aburrido el iphone sin jailbreak y dice no pero que yo tengo instalado watusi con certificado de desarrollador y los ejemplos que leímos recién entonces los ejemplos de twitter a eso me refiero en lo que estaba haciendo el scroll recién en la pantalla por eso lo que he visto también tengo un podcast guardado con un español que abandonó el jailbreak y una persona que llevaba años en el jailbreak tengo que coordinar con él porque habíamos coordinado pero salió la noticia de lanteri tuvo que hacer todo un cambio de planes él abandonó por completo lo que es el jailbreak hasta ahora con ello es 15 se fue porque sintió que ya no era necesario o sea estuvo esperando mucho tiempo parece que era como era realmente su historia pero sé que algunos le ha pasado que han esperado tanto un jailbreak y ya como que aprendieron a vivir sin él y dejaron la comunidad y la dejaron y por eso son traidores ahora no si cada uno hace con su tiempo y con su dispositivo lo que quiere pe ro hay personas que poco a poco aprenden a vivir también single break ya pesar de que les gusta el jailbreak luego lo terminan dejando lo dejan todas las personas no pero en algunas personas se va ocurriendo y es así como algunos usuarios año a año salen de la comunidad y otros van ingresando a ella así que no no me preocuparía tanto en ese caso tampoco por las personas que actualizarán ios 15 yo hice una encuesta quedó el 70 30 sea un 30 por ciento de los tres de 10 habías actualizaron y 710 autores o sea más del doble se quedó en la juve 14 porque saben que es una versión ganadora es una versión que va a recibir un jailbreak antes que el viernes 15 y después subiremos años es 15 utilizándolos shs h que es como es cómo tiene que ocuparlo el usuario del que él ve tiene que acostumbrarse a que ello así como se atreven a hacer un jailbreak tienen que atreverse a hacer escritura esto no ocupar la herramienta y es simplemente arrastrar el programa arrastrarlos shs h copiar y pegar un códig o arrastrar otro archivo enter 5 es más difícil yo diría que más difícil hacer el jailbreak que hacer filtro rector es más difícil hacer check line a través de un usb que tiene que estar volteando es más difícil hacer eso que usar future ashton es más difícil estar buscando entre tiendas online que están gratuitas para ver dónde se está filmando alcover para estar instalando que hacia el futuro esto es más difícil hacer correr a los toros hay dos o tres youtube que hacer futuras thor y más de moroso así que vean el tutorial que está en la descripción de escritura está tengo el tutorial que se vieran actualizados cuando venga para 14 51 lo voy a actualizar para linux para max y para windows aunque no sé si tanto para linux aunque ya sale primero para linux se hará el tutorial para él y no pero la mayoría está en windows y mac primero windows obviamente después más entonces tengo que actualizar todos esos vídeos esos vídeos todos los hice utilizando un código que se llama la última ser y el último veis van para los que lo conocen del aire sep y del aire es béisbol pero ahora quiero hacer el tutorial especificando la sep y especificando el 20 de talón extrayendo algunos archivos a ser un poco más largo pero por lo menos me gana que a los dos tutoriales en el canal con la última serví la última baseband y especificando la serie especificando la baseband así que eso con un poco más técnico tienen que ver el vídeo para que sepan de lo que estoy hablando ya pero espero que extraño todo eso te repito es más difícil ocupar al store que hacer futuro esto es más difícil 6-2 y es más difícil 3 youtube es más difícil ser rain desde un usb es más difícil ser range sin usb que usar escritura esto entonces si tú eres un usuarios del jailbreak tienes que acostumbrarte ocupar esta herramienta hay que no me atrevo es que es lo mismo que ocurrió la primera vez que no tenía siempre y te atreviste a hacerlo entonces y como te atreviste a hacerlo y probablemente lo conseguiste en lo mismo que hay que hacer ahora nunca lo has ocupado entonces tienes que atreverte a hacerlo y de ahí en adelante créeme que no vas a ser así ya es tan genial el procedimiento que uno dice después como no lo hice antes perdí vida perdí tiempo como no me atreví como no salí de mi zona de confort como no simplemente tuve la valentía de probar un método que existe hace muchos años en el mundo del jailbreak y que varias personas que los que son usuarios de escritura stores son fieles después a la herramienta porque todo lo que te ofrece es pero espectacular y así y con esa herramienta es que subiríamos ar-15 por eso te invito a ver el tutorial no para hacerlo sino como una parte educativa puedes ver el de windows que probablemente la mayoría de la gente tiene ese sistema operativo ve el tutorial de windows y mira cómo funcionaba ya decir era eso era eso ya así que no le veo sentido la prisa en estar subiendo a 15.0 no le veo a la prisa porque aunque tuviésemos 15 15.1 en un mes más un mes más por lo con un mes más de 15.1 cuál es la prisa está subiendo ahora porque aunque salga el 15.1 15.0 se va a seguir firmando una o hasta dos semanas más cuál es la prisa de subir uno que se siente estar en ios 15 y vivir en el pasado ok vámonos con los comentarios ahora sí no sé a dónde me quedé recién déjenme buscar los comentarios guyana me aparecen más e profesa el dragón hierve para ello es 15 si vos gameplays enero o febrero del próximo año antes va a ser el año de 14 saludos para jose morales hasta puerto rico cuando sean meses se vas rain cuando saldrá el jailbreak para ios con check rain no respondió hace un rato se vas de acuerdo y se espera al menos que sea en el corto plazo no sabemos hay una teoría por la cual creemos que esta creencia está trazando y en la que como mencioné hace un rato no te voy a mencionar toda la teoría porque ya lo dije pero al menos se espera que en el corto plazo lo tengamos con nosotros más o menos el próximo año para ello es 15 habrá y el bec si diego ya lo mencionamos aquello cuando salga para ello 18 ahora para ello la espera no va a tener que estar de acuerdo que lo que dice francisco que el equipo de check rain debe estar trabajando largo ya que da por de haber solucionado con el sistema es lo que mencionaba recién francisco es parte de la teoría que se maneja de que así como apple hizo de las suyas para quitarnos el face hay dígitos haití en ios 14 se solucionó con el exploit del black birds probablemente a paul hizo otra cosa a lo mejor contra el black vierte quién sabe pero esperemos pronto tener noticias de parte de él el equipo de check point esta x limpio como está ahí tengo que regresar un mensaje para coordinar ahí el tema de si me enviaste la base para la miniatura tengo que ver eso pero por fin antes fue pasión 14.61 14.67 entonces si se consiguen que me podría enfrentarse en guerra antes no eran tester va a ser hasta 14 51 va a haber para puntos 6 sí pero no va a ser antes o sea no hay que pensar que este va a ser el último y el 20 ayer 14 para nada van a venir más pero obviamente hay que esperar un poco más la prisa es que hay muchas aplicaciones que se crean y hay que estar actualizada pero no le di el contexto porque algún tweet para poner el 2 transparente en las 14 51 y churra es que hay varios yo ocupo por ejemplo lynx lynx 2 que a mi gusto hace más que estricto mais 5 de hecho links tiene secciones que son exclusivas para como se llama son exclusivas para los widgets exclusivas para la biblioteca de aplicaciones ya son funciones que son exclusivas para ellos es 14 la mirada que algún día y te da un tweet transparente 2 el nombre lo está diciendo todo es cierto que pasó jonathan viendo la clase desde el liverpool desde méxico lindo y querido que lo que pasó acá matías res y saludos profes que se sientan ios 15 y no tener nada de lo que esperabas no sé si reír o llorar santiago claro pensé que la clase era donde colombia empezó hace 50 minutos las gracias santiago pero por último puedes ver la repetición que pasa rubén no puedo estar mucho en el directo estoy con mi familia luego luego me veréis la repetición gracias a rubén por estar acá porque podría explicarnos a qué se refieren con el tiempo de 15 ser a reuters si se viene ya un vídeo explicando todo aquello es lo normal que ocurre con cada con cada nueva versión de ahí es cuando ésta es liberada empiezan a salir los mensajes de que no va a ver siempre y que va a costar ocurrió con al menos con aires 13 con 14 que fue en el período en el cual da por dijo y ahora nos vamos a editar que no nos vuelvan a hacer nunca más esto pero si se va a venir un vídeo explicando todo aquello que lo que dice es por un tema de tiempo me quedan 7 minutos y tengo que terminar y otro no me tiro la notificación de su directo hay dailan sotelo y por eso no le dice activen la campanita porque a veces incluso bailan incluso cuando uno la tiene activada youtube no te avisa de los casos que no la tienen activada la notificación peor para ellos as í teniendo la activada no avisa imagínate los que no la tienen activada peor todavía profe muchas gracias por todo su esfuerzo los vídeos gracias ángel munguía de verdad a pesar de que les dije que esta semana tuve una semana muy dura en cuanto a trabajo todavía se puede seguir haciendo el vídeo diario yo le he llamado a esta la aventura de pandemia que mientras dure la pandemia y no tenga que ir a trabajar al colegio en la mañana me puedo quedar en la noche haciendo el vídeo la madrugada y aparte se vienen vacaciones también se vienen mis vacaciones ya está decidido ya en familia ay qué irse de la ciudad y ver a mis papás básicamente que no conocen a mi hijo el menor va a cumplir dos años no lo conocen en persona por esto de la pandemia no lo conocen y vamos a viajar no dudo que vaya a ver vídeo diario el mes en enero sería el viaje en febrero y estaríamos de regreso y porque febrero ojito giro ya tú sabes pero si llega a salir un tiempo que en enero habrá tutoriales del minero pero p ero al menos ya es el mes que vamos a viajar el lavando los platos francisco que el mismo tiempo en la noche podría lavarlos pero si ya me estoy acostando tarde imagínate lavando los platos más encima para cuando lo esperamos para las aguas no me digas sería santiago matías argentina irme a en el otro lado de la cordillera me encantaría me encantaría medida de juntarme contigo con tu familia compartir todos juntos pero curso se sigue ya no me digáis a cuestiones que me ponían en aprietos de lengua la traba que hice frikis g7 nombres friki guitars una manera de bajar con future store con algunos cepos baseband life on 10 que tengo con todos nosotros 7 y ios como decía hecho y guardado si está funcionando en el iphone días no hay problema quiero que se transparentó que es del 2013 bueno a lo mejor funciona oa lo mejor no pero si de 2003 igual yo no lo instalar ya no se me podría generar un producto problema porque salió la actualización nueva para ello entonces y marrón valladares salió 12.5 punto 5 e insólitamente partió el jailbreak o sea no partió dejó de funcionar y el gran cover y el de quimera ya crime funcionan 12 5 5 pero luego aparece una actualización de quimera y funcionan 12 55 anco de lloyd ya no funcionan dos equipos 5 lo va a poder lograr obvio que sí pero hay que esperar que lance la actualización profe tengo el iphone 12 promax en 12.3 hay forma de subir una versión que a paul no esté firmando solo si es que hay 16 4.5 gabriel solo si es que guardaste los que se hs h vas a poder hacerlo sin fernando la captura de pantalla sirve para quitar la administración remota no sea el autillo no sé que me estaba preguntando no vi la pregunta anterior saludo profesión tiempo escuchen la noticia en gerbe para el apple watch que pasó quedó en eso por ahora súper gas quedó como en una noticia que se anunció por la persona que fue cursar y que se compartió la noticia pero quedamos que me enseñó ahora está en una consulta el tutorial del futuro store para subiremos sí sí sí sí sí voy a hacer este tutorial si jonathan y lo voy a hacer especificando la sepia especificando la baseband que no tengo este tutorial el primer tutorial 15 escritura store era con la última serie la última baseband entonces tengo que hacer el otro tutorial va a quedar un poco más un poco más engorroso pero es pero repito ocupar al store es más difícil ocupar 3 youtube es más difícil porque tengo a gente respondía gabriel se puede bajar de 14.3 estando 14.86 plus sin los que seas no con los s hs h puedes sin los que se h se ha hecho no se puede nos veremos en enero por ver paraíso san francisco allá voy a andar pero yo creo que nos vamos a ir primero una semana a santiago para estar con la familia recorrer una er bien bien en algún departamento y después idea donde dispara para ello viene en quilpué y obviamente viña valparaíso son lugares que vamos a recorrer y tú ya hablamos no más ya tú sabes porque tengo un iphone 10 y 15 puedo poner siria no fui shift fios puedes pero si bajas a 14.8 gabriel gracias arreglo de los shs h si guardarlo del tema que ya no se guarda lo de 14.3 los único que puede guardar ahora solo de 14.8 me dice no importa profe lo que queremos es subir a la última versión que soporta la entender si usted es el tutorial yo lo sigo al pie de la letras gracias jonathan gracias ahí vamos a estarlo realizando para que lo pueda disfrutar la gente si te leo like así es hasta ya nos toca ganar si bacán después de tanta espera cualquiera de la gente que esperaba tanto tiempo iba a recibir un jailbreak y un jailbreak épico legendario absolutamente la vieja escuela va a ser vive hace cinco años es asombroso genial que lo que dice eusebio cisneros y dale profe si el año es nuevo por watch nos obliga a actualizar yo aquí estoy en 14.6 ya se va a poder pero primero tu dispositivo tiene que tener jailbreak y el tweet que te permite realizar eso bien por eso siento que también necesito un reloj que no también hace de este tutorial de mismo ese es el tui t que permite ocupar tu amor watch sin tener que estar actualizando la última versión de ios profesaba y se habrán tetera el 14.6 amaro yo creo que no va a haber pero sí va a haber otro jailbreak y 14.6 se podría implementar quien sabe solamente el tiempo lo dirá pero al menos por ahora se nos dijo que en 14.6 no pero habría otro siempre que el que conocemos actualmente con alcover y con taurina el semi ante éter ya profe igual merece sus vacaciones no es necesario el vídeo diario mientras su canal siga empieza así vamos a estarlo viendo a lo mejor puedo dejar algunos vídeos grabados quizás van a salir vídeos patrocinados porque tengo muchas empresas con las cuales ya he hecho acuerdo y esta semana salieron dos vídeos patrocinados uno era el de a emails y no sea todo se está sorteando amazing chiquillos hay making amazing tremendo programa bien licencias se están regalando y también el de andro bar and drogar género esta barra de hambre y género iguala y su algo especial en la comunida d como que estuvieron así como que como vuestras cosas de altos al principio el vídeo dije si tuviste tu botón home en el botón de inicio está dañado y lo puedes ocupar alguna alternativa más ya así que me voy a despedir ahora y vamos a sacar la captura de pantalla obviamente nos vamos poner el gorro del abuelo para la captura hoy día no raya la pizarra en el paso bueno vamos en qué respuesta le mismo creo que elegimos no está en una reportada en un patrón ahí está captura de pantalla como la captura o si está haciendo la repetición acá estamos con el abuelo en la cabeza captura de pantalla caster adelante alguien guía y te dé las gracias por estar acá muchas gracias por estar acá cada semana ya tiene un mes de octubre fabuloso la idea es compartir la foto ahora utilizando el hashtag en vivo con el profe en vivo con el profe ahí está pues muchachos vamos a concluir sería todo por esta ocasión se despide el profe juan antonio desde arica chile el podcast mañana con suscriptores el que m ás que más que más que más el sorteo de ahí me dicen y el sorteo de andro bar que te lo hagan esto y no otra persona ya sigue más beso para todos que estén muy bien

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Saturday 30 October 2021

Avatar The Last Airbender Netflix Teaser – Episode 1 Test Footage Breakdown

you guys are not gonna believe this team
avatar is back hey everybody its charlie we have the
best possible news we have an early preview of scenes that they're filming
for the Avatar The Last Airbender Netflix series so we'll break it down of
course I'll be doing all kinds of videos for the series just like I did for
Legend of Korra in the original Avatar The Last Airbender series so if you're
brand new to the channel be sure to subscribe to get everything because they
are ramping up quickly I'll also talk about the actual release date after I
talk about the scenes that they were filming so starting with number 8 big
breakdown there was a person working on set probably production assistant that
recorded all the stuff that they were doing so r.i.p to him but his job died
so that we could see what's going on with a new avatar the last airbender
series so I'll just read what his message was when he posted this on the
internet he says I got a chance to work on a visual effects test for the new
live-action series and I thought I'd share the experience probably going to be
the last experience that he has with this particular effects house but he
says we've filmed some test scenes in a huge screen studio in Los Angeles one in
Fire Lord Ozai throne room and the other in the tundra with Katara and Sokka all
the backdrops were keyed digitally Oh crazy that there is no real-life place
that they can go to to do that particularly the fire Lords palace 7 the
actors James Luke played Fire Lord Ozai Kevin Garner played Sokka and Kate
Bharati played Katara you may have seen James Liu if you've watched a lot of old
martial arts films he's pretty badass but most of the time now when he's not
working as an actor he works as a stunt coordinator the biggest thing that he
did lately was coordinating all the fights for Marvel's Luke Cage series on
Netflix so he's done a lot of Netflix work before the actors that they had
playing Sokka and Katara's a new but they give you a good idea for how young
the actors are going to be in the actual series they were just using those people
as stand-ins so there'll be different actors when the series actually
premieres because they're still casting the series right now the throne room
scene consisted of a bunch of test shots of Fire Lord Ozai sitting on the throne
they said they saw him doing a bunch of weird stuff that probably won't make it
into the actual series they just wanted to get a sense for what it was going to
look like inside his palace because obviously you see this on the riser here
with his throne everything around it is going to be replicated digitally
this isn't what it's going to look like on the actual series this is gem just
testing out digital environment replacement for his throne room just to
make it look really really crazy also pretty sure they're not going to make fire
lord ozai where we're looking hat like that in the actual episodes the six
Sokka and Katara's seen had dialogue and a bunch of action they were bickering
about sokka's boomerang and how they needed to hunt for fish when a group of
quote-unquote Marauders spotted them and chased them away
Katara yelled threw up a wall of ice to protect them waterbending Sokka freaked
out and said Katara you're a waterbender as if they'd never seen her waterbend
before and this was the first time even Katara was surprised that she was able
to water Ben the Marauders freaked out and take off and they're saved
so five right away he realized that some of those scenes weren't in the original
episodes or in the case of the fire lord ozai scene they were filming that didn't
happen till way later in the first season and Fire Lord Ozai himself didn't
really appear in an episode in a really big way as Mark Hamill till future
seasons based on Mike and Brian's synopsis of the series that they
released last year when they first announced hey we're bringing Avatar The
Last Airbender back on Netflix they said it's going to be a deeper retelling of the
original Avatar The Last Airbender series but that only ran for 61 episodes
of half-hour animation the new Netflix series will be hour-long live-action and
going deeper as you probably guessed means they'll be adding a lot of
material to the original store time with each of the team avatar members as they
learn more about their own individual bending styles like spending way more
time with Toph once she shows up in a future season and starts learning more
about her earthbending it eventually learns how to metalbend we already spent
a ton of time in the original series with Zuko practicing his firebending
lightning bending same thing with Azula so it won't be quite as big of a change
for those characters so what might be going on with them having Katara
learning to be a waterbender for the first time in the first season might
just be a parallel for Aang's story learning to waterbend during the first
season for like they said when they released all these scenes these are
supposed to be temp actors even though James Liu is a total martial arts badass
Netflix is spending Game of Thrones level money on this series so they will
probably cast a much more recognizable actor for Fire Lord Ozai I did see
someone according a rumor that mark hamill was
going to actually come back and be live action fire lord ozai because he was the
voice of the character on the animated series
Prince Zuko you've been among the earth Kingdom commoners do you think that
adding more troops will stop these rebellions but based on what Mike and
Brian have said about the new episodes I don't believe that at all
it will probably wind up being a relatively high profile Asian actor same
goes for Sokka and Katara's but the ages of these actors give you a pretty good
idea for how old they'll be at the beginning of the series actors in their
late teens early 20s playing characters in their mid-teens Sokka was only 16 at
the beginning of season 1 of the animated series Katara was only 14 they
might age them up a couple years but they'd still be teenagers still pretty
close to their original agent much as young actors can become great martial
artists I fully expect them to use every last trick in modern technology in every
giant bag of money they can to make the actual martial arts and bending effects
look really really cool in ignoring what that all looked like during the original
live-action movie don't waste your time going back and watching that standard
practice in Hollywood is usually they just get a really badass stunt double
and perform a lot of digital facial replacement for the craziest fight
scenes best example that is a couple of years ago during Game of Thrones Season 7 they released a featurette for the Arya vs.

Brienne fight Maisie Williams
trained as much as she could to actually do the scene but they had a stunt double
that was basically her same size do the fight scene and then they just swapped
Maisie Williams face onto her face so it looked like she was actually doing this
the whole time probably going to be the exact same situation with a live-action
Avatar The Last Airbender series they also do a lot of this digital
environment replacement where they have you know green screen or blue screen and
then they have this crazy planet or a crazy building that they're inside so I
wouldn't be super worried about what everything is going to look like it
sounds like they have the right technology and they're spending the
right amount of money and I believe that Sifu key sue is also coming back to
advise on a lot of their actual martial arts fights in the bending styles what
differentiates the essences of these different martial arts forms firebending
of course we use the dynamic and artistic movements
of the northern Shaolin style the powerful kicks the punches the low
stances the nearly acrobatic movements did cuts through the center of mass of
the opponent that slices right through to release date and episode count
there's a landing page that Netflix created for the series that says 2020
next freaking year that is crazy I was not expecting it to premiere until 2021
at the rate that they were going to last time Mike and Brian posted a production
update but if they're planning on releasing it next year that means that
they have to finish casting really really soon and start shooting before
the end of the year the only way they'd be able to shoot and edit all those
episodes by the end of next year is if they're only doing eight to ten episodes
per season Netflix did the exact same thing with The Witcher series and Henry
Cavill they only did eight episodes for their season one but it took them less
than a year to turn it around and do all those special effects I even saw some
newspaper claiming that they were going to release the Avatar The Last Airbender
series next summer which seems crazy I think that they'll have a trailer to
bring to comic-con next summer but unless Mike and Bryan come out and
say something different I'm not expecting it to premiere till the end of
next year so number one season one story arc early predictions if they're
retelling the original story they only do around ten episodes per season
expanding the original half-hour episodes to a full hour
planning on five to six seasons instead of the original three they'd either have
to a end the first season with the two-parter Winter Solstice episodes
where Aang gets the Avatar Roku message and then they come to the fire temple to
learn about sozin's comet and his path as the avatar is laid out they learned
that they had to make it to the Northern Water Tribe to teach Aang how to
waterbend so that he can become a fully actualized avatar and defeat Fire Lord
Ozai before he becomes too powerful or B they could try to end the first season
with the original season 1 finale the siege of the Northern Water Tribe but
that almost feels like it's moving through the material way too fast and it
would cause them problems down the road in later seasons so everybody post your
predictions about what they're going to do with the first season what do you think
the finale is going to be do you think that they're going to end with the
Winter Solstice or do you think they're going to try and speed through and end
with this each of the north and I will do more
update videos in the production if we get more previews more scenes more
teasers that'll all start happening a little bit later this year when they
start filming everybody click here to learn about the
special Azula storyline that they had originally planned for Avatar The Last
Airbender season 4 when there was going to be a season 4 and click here to learn
about what's going on with the Spider- Man character at Marvel and Sony thank you so much for watching everybody stay awesome I'll see you guys tonight!

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Friday 29 October 2021

2 Essential Brush Beats For Drum Set

Hi I'm Brad Allen from Today we're going to talk about two brush beats. I call these two
essential beats. These are beats especially that all jazz drummers should
know. You can apply these other styles as wel.l I'll kind of leave that up to your
judgment the reason I call these two essential beats is because they can be
used for so many different things the first one I'm going to show you is going
to be for playing slower tempo tempos ballads up to maybe a kind of slow
medium and the second is going to be for medium tempos up to faster tempos and
you can use these in all different time signatures and so again they are very
versatile they're pretty easy to learn and I believe that most drummers
actually play kind of a variation of these two beats and so it's important
for you to learn these I mentioned in my blog one time I asked for a brush lesson
from a drummer his name is his name was Tommy Ruskin and he was one of the best
jazz players in the Kansas City area and basically when I asked him to give me a
brush lesson he gave me a five-minute lesson and said you know these are the
only two beats I use and this is what I was already using so ultimately it's not
necessarily the beach you play it's what you actually do with those beats that
kind of defines your style but anyway we're going to get you started here with
these two today so the first one I'm going to demonstrate here is going to be
again for playing ballads or slower beats so zoom in here just a minute
alright so the first brush Pete we're going to talk about some band leaders
refer to this is stirring the soup and so basically you want to create circles
on the drums and coordination why is the best way to do this is think of it like
your I guess doing what the breast stroke and what that's called you swim
both arms are going out an outward motion so basically this is doing a
counter or excuse me a clockwise motion this is
doing a counterclockwise motion you can practice them individually so here's the
right hand going clockwise motion you can picture a circle on the head and the
important thing is that they hit or they they arrive at the same spot on the head
every time like 1 2 3 4 1 that way you get that pulse you do the same thing
with the left hand 134 and basically you can get more emphasis depending on the
angle of the brush so if I want a little more emphasis 13 the work it's pretty
easy to put them together I'm really 341 so that's 44 time I can do it in three I
could do it in whatever one two three one two maybe I could do it in 57 it
doesn't matter one-two-three-four-five one-two-three-four-five when the next
thing is you can start getting different articulations out of each brush for
instance one two three four one not two so they're still moving and basically
the same motion just this motion right here and it's important to keep a pulse
that way the band has something to listen to some to play off so that's basically it if you want a
little more emphasis a little more volume you can kind of pick the brushes
up sometimes you need more volume then you can put your high hat on two and
four you can articulate with the bass drum that's pretty much it for that one
okay so the second bead as I mentioned is used for playing medium tempos were
faster tempos and one thing I want to say about this particular beat and brush
beats in general it sounds a lot different if you turn the snares on
versus train the snares off some people like the snares on and some people don't
it just depends on the sound you won the other thing I wanted to mention is just
your general way of playing brushes there are some drummers and some
teachers or big believers in plane into the drum all the time everything is on
the drum you want to muffle everything when I asked that drummer I mentioned
earlier Tom you're asking about playing with brushes that's basically he did he
turned his snares off and he played into the drum he never let the drum ring he
didn't like that sound and so for a long long time I sort of took that as gospel
because I liked his plane so much and then a few years back I watched an
instructional video with one of my favorite drummers Joe Morello and he
said the complete opposite he said he liked to let the let the drum ring you
like to play off the head he liked that sound better and I think Joe if i'm not
mistaken frequently played with brushes with the snares on so it just depends on
the sound you want you can experiment with both and listen to different
players you know ultimately that that has to do with style the most important
thing is that you play something musical that the band can follow if you do that
then most people will be happy with your point so anyway with all that mine next
thing I'm going to do is I'm going to straight the second brush beat so we're
going to zoom in here again so get a good close-up okay so here's the second
brush beat this is used more for medium tempos a little bit faster tempos the
first thing is for this one you start with the brushes on the opposite sides
of the head and basically they're going to keep crossing back and forth like
this if I was to play quarter notes if you like this one two three four one two
three rolled it a little slower one two three four one two three once you master
that you can put your high hat on two and four with that that's your basic
beat now to make this a swing beat you can just change the right hand a little
bit 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4 01 there's lots of variations drummers do different things
on this the left hand so just move them back and forth can also move like in a
big old circle like this the same thing basically how you go faster that's it pretty much then you can learn
to improvise with it by modifying different things like this so those are
the two beats there's a couple of other things I want to mention while I'm
thinking about it it makes a big difference the types of heads you use on
your drums when you're playing with brushes you want something that has some
abrasion to it so that when you rub the stick to the head and get some sound so
there's coated heads I think Remo still makes the fiber skin which are similar
to the old cat skinheads so there's different things you can investigate but
playing for instance if you have a remote pinstripe on a snare drum and
you're trying to play with brushes on that it's not going to give you the
sound you're looking for so those are some different things you have to be
aware of the other thing is to get the same sound that most of these drummers
get you want wire brushes they also make him a nylon but that's not going to give
you quite the same sound these are not as durable so you really have to be
careful with them but the wire brush is usually will give you more of that
traditional authentic sound so hope these tips have been helpful i hope you
find find these beats helpful if you've enjoyed this video please subscribe to
the channel and also take the time to light the video i have more lessons at
brad allen drums com thank you very much

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Funk Drum Beat 100 BPM – Drum Backing Track

hi it's jb here today's drum backing track is a funk beat it's running at the tempo of 100 bpm and it's just under three minutes long [Music] hey jb here if you like the beat give it a thumbs up leave a comment let me know what you like what you didn't like if you want something different different tempo let me know i'm also available for demos and album tracks so let me know what you'd like and i'll see you on the next video [Music] you.

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Thursday 28 October 2021

We Are Waterloo: O Canada – Week Two, Percussion

Create Waterloo and the City of Waterloo present Percussion Week Hey folks! Rich here with Create Waterloo
and this week is all about rhythm and percussion. We're going to break this video up
into two segments today. The first is going to be discussing some
of the rhythms that we're going to play with the "O Canada" track and the second
half is going to be looking at some of the instruments that you could
substitute at your house if you're going to submit a video. So we're gonna get
right into this right now. What I've done is I've created a rhythm that we can
play underneath the melody to accompany the "O Canada" part. This is going to go alongside the "Ukulele Video" that is also being released this week. So today we're gonna learn about some low sounds and high sounds on the drum and we're
gonna be able to apply this concept to any of the percussion instruments that
you might find around your house. We're gonna talk about that just in a bit.
Now, on the drum I have in front of me is just a normal community hand drum style.
This is a tubano, which is a product by Remo.

It has a few different
sounds similar to like a conga or a djembe. and you play with your hands. So the first thing we're gonna look at is playing a low sound. So if you are
playing a drum with your hands at your house you are going to play just with the
lower palm of your hand and you're going to strike that into the middle of the head.

Now that creates the low pitch. The high pitch is by playing on the bearing edge of the drum itself, so you can get some high sounds. *high drum sound* Now we can have the combination of lows
and highs and this is how we're going to build this rhythm for "O Canada". So first thing we're gonna do is just do a few exercises where we just go low,
high, low, high just with one hand. So try that with me. Hey ready here: 1, 2, ready, go! Low High Low High Low High Low High Great! Fantastic. Now we can embellish
that rhythm a little bit by putting in a second sixteenth so to speak with the
left hand. It fits in right in between on the high notes So we'll still maintain
our right hand with our low, high, low, high and we're gonna just insert our
left hand right after our right hand so it goes like this: two, three, four: Low High High Low High High Low High High Low High High Low So start that again just with the low
highs on the one hand and I'll show you how my left hand adds in.

Here we go Low High Low High Low High Great! So that's it! Those are all the rhythms that you're going to need to
know to play alongside "O Canada". So, we are going to do some variations of
what would I would consider a double speed or a half speed. – depending on how you want to think about it – to that same pattern. So off the top of this
piece, we're going to play this pattern. The way it would work is if the quarter
note is here – so if we go one, two, three, four O, Canada Our home on Native land Okay, so now – How did I do this and what did I do? Technically I had three
phrases of: Low, High, High, Low So three of those. And on the fourth measure the fourth time through, I
sped this up, I doubled the values of the rhythm and I played: 1, and 2, and a 3, and a 4, and 1. So this rhythm is
going to be commonly played as a cadence to the end of a phrase.

This is a rhythmic cadence as a rhythmic term to mean sort of the conclusion to a
rhythmic idea. So at the end of this rhythmic phrase, you're gonna hear that
same pattern again: 1, and 2, and a 3, and a 4, and 1. So I'm gonna try that slow for you right now. And then I'll speed it up. So it's so: Drumming: 1, and a 2, and a 3, and a 4, and 1. Beats 4 are just "4" and "1". So try that again a little quicker:
2, 3, 4: Drumming: 1, and a 2, and a 3, and a 4, and 1. And that's how we're going to do these phrases We also are going to include that cadence figure off the very top. Now, the way that this is
going to work is we have a two bar intro with our guitars and our ukulele and the
drummer's are gonna come in technically on the second measure of the intro.

This is before we start singing so when you're listening to the click track,
you're going to hear a woodblock sound – a high woodblock on 1 and then low woodblock on beats 2, 3, and 4. So you're gonna hear click, click, click,
click and then the second measure is where the ukuleles enter in:
click, click, click, click Then the third measure is where our drums come in with our rhythmic cadence rhythm which is: 1, and a 2, and a 3, and a 4, and 1. and that 1 is where we start singing
"O Canada". So let's try this! So basically what's
going to happen is we're going to play that cadence into our pattern Low, High, High, Low, High, High, Low So we're gonna break this down here.

What I'm going to do is I'm going to count from 1 to 4 through each of the phrases so that you understand how this fits and
I'll try and also sing a little bit of the melody. Now I'm not a singer but
you'll certainly get the idea of of how the rhythm fits alongside the anthem. Okay so here we go from the top: So we have metronome: 2, 3, 4, ukulele, 2, 3, 4, and cadence: 1, and a 2, and a 3, and a 4, and 1. 2, 3, 4 1, 2, 3, 4 1, 2, 3, 4 1, 2, 3, 4 1, 2, 3, 4 1, 2, 3, 4 1, 2, 3, 4 1, 2, 3 Now, that measure we finished on beat
3 before we start the next phrase so that is how we start our opening phrase. So this is technically an eight measure phrase let's try that one more time.

So you have from our woodblock: 1, 2, 3, 4 Ukuleles begin Now: 1, 2, 3, 4 *Drumming* Okay, so that's basically our first half of "O Canada" Now, the second half we start with these two phrases here. And we're gonna repeat them.
They go: That's the entire piece! So let's try
that second half just one more time. So we take the slow day quarter
note version of the pattern and then we go to the doubled version of the pattern
and that's every measure we switch. We do that twice and then we go
back to doing – similar to the top where we take that quarter note version and play that for three measures and then we do the rhythmic cadence again. We'll try that one more time So we have: 1, 2, 3, 4 That's the basic pattern that we
want to play through this entire piece. We're gonna try this again from the very
top, all the way through. I'm going to count and try and sing the melody as I go. Now, if you are an accomplished percussionist I encourage you to stick with this basic
rhythm as the bed track and you're welcome to add some embellishments to
this as you go such as some flams or accents as you go.

Depending on the drum that you use
you could perhaps add some rim clicks if you're having sticks,
you could perhaps do some head shots versus some rim shots so you're on the
rim. So, there's there's a very much of variations that we can do and by all
means we were encouraging you to be as creative as you want to be as long as we
stick with the click track and with the sort of foundation of the rhythm itself. We have lots of room to play with the creativity of the performance. So, here we go I'm gonna try this again from the very top and I'm gonna be
playing and thinking about this as if I was playing with the click track. So here we go So the click track starts: 1, 2, 3, 4 *drumming* For the next segment of this video
we're gonna look at some instruments that might be actually in your house that you weren't
sure that they could be used as instruments.

We going to talk about what we call "found sounds". Now, I just went upstairs just a second ago and brought a bunch of different
things downstairs here to my studio and I'll just kind of go through each of
them. First and foremost I have shown up with some wooden spoons these can be
used as beaters. Now, to my left here I have just a garbage can that I found in
my garage. that has a nice big deep bass sound to it. To my right hand, I have a metal garbage can and that has a bit of a higher pitch to it
and a more metal tomber to it. Then I have three different pots. So I have a high pot, a medium pot and a low frying pan. and so you can hear the graduated pitches – meaning that it goes from high
to low so we have I also have a box of Kraft
Dinner as a shaker. and this is just a can of normal popcorn. So these are just things that I took out of my cupboard and I encourage you to try and find what
other different sounds you can find! Obviously with the permission of your
parents if you're still living at home.

Otherwise, feel free to get really
creative. So what we're gonna do here now is talk a little bit about how you can
apply the sounds from the rhythm of the previous part of this video to this sort
of found sound menagerie. So again the same principles apply here we're looking for low sounds and high sounds. So for my low sounds, I have my my bass cannon over
here (that's kind of out of the camera but you can still hear it). I also have my low pan. And then for my high sounds I have variations here and my
high can so I can do really any sort of variation of low and high depending on
how I want to phrase this. So if we take the intro of this cadence for
example so it's low, high, high, low, high low, high, low, low, low, So I could do something like this: Or I could do something like this: Or even take two high sounds I can go: It really is endless in terms
of what you could possibly do with the sounds that you find at home.

Now the shakers are basically just going to be timekeepers. So if you're listening to
the woodblock you're basically going to listen for that quarter note. So what I'm doing here is just basically making that "c shape" and I'm doing a
pulse on every quarter note. My back stroke is actually making a
syncopation. You could just do quarters That's a little difficult and a little awkward
You could do eights: So I'm just going back and forth.

So that's a some separate
variation on the shaker. Now what I want to do is actually do a full run on the
sounds that are in front of me. As I was saying, feel free to be creative
with whatever instrument you want! The idea here is to just stick with the
fundamental of the rhythm now you can embellish it as you as you feel creative
to do but we still want to be able to start and stop as per the instructions
for the song so that we can all play together. So we're going to listen to our
click track so you're going to hear 1, 2, 3, 4 * drumming * There we go! So that's it folks! If you would like to stay in touch remember that these videos are coming out every Friday. And pay particular attention to our deadline of Wednesday June 24th. We would like to have all videos and that's
our final deadline for submissions. We will have our Click Track and the music
for this particular drum rhythm will be in the bio in the description below. we would love you to subscribe and to smash that like button
and hopefully you will stay in touch.

So signing off here! Stay creative for We
are Waterloo..

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Bach to Baby & London Mozart Players present: Magnificent Mozart

in December 2016 bhakta Beatty and London multipliers teamed up to launch Britain's first ever orchestral concert for babies and their families we were overwhelmed by the enthusiasm from our audience who told us how amazing it was to be able to attend world-class Orchestra concert as a family even if the kids can't sit still we have worked really hard to understand the needs and desires of our audience whilst never compromising on the quality of our performance and the result was truly magical [Music] you.

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Wednesday 27 October 2021

Ari Melenciano // Art && Code: Homemade, 1/15/2021

Good afternoon everyone. It's our Friday 
afternoon session of Art&&Code Homemade.   I'm Golan Levin director of The Frank Ratchye Studio 
for Creative Inquiry at Carnegie Mellon and director of   the Art&&Code festival. And it's my pleasure to 
introduce the beginning of our Friday afternoon   session. We're going to have three presentations 
by Ari Melenciano, Sarah Rosalena Brady, and    Imin Yeh. And just another quick announcement, 
there has been unfortunately a cancellation at   5:30 this afternoon Olivia Michaela Ross 
has had to cancel we've just learned.   So there will be a gap at 5:30. We'll talk more 
about that when we do the evening session.   But we will still have Leah Buechley and Nanibah Chacon at 5 o'clock. So with that, it's my   pleasure to introduce Ari Melenciano who is an 
artist, designer, creative technologist, researcher,   and educator whose research combines approaches 
from human-computer interaction, Afrocentric design   practices, and experimental pedagogy. She is the 
founder of Afrotechtopia, a social institution   fostering interdisciplinary innovation at 
the intersections of art, design, technology,   black culture, and activism. And she currently 
teaches creative technology and counterculture   at you.

And with that, Ari Melenciano. Thank you for having me, very excited to be here. And   I will talk quickly because I usually put in 
too many slides in my presentations and I know we're   on a quick time span. So I'll be talking about  
electromedia, design, and culture which is where a   lot of my work lies. So again I'm Ari Melenciano 
and at the core of who I am as far as my   practice, I've always identified as an artist and 
have found that design and creative technology are   really great vehicles for me to use to continue 
expanding the possibilities of art. And a lot of   my work is built off of research.

So I'm constantly 
engaging in research and studying different facets   of the world. I often turn all of this work into 
classroom environments. I teach a lot at different   universities. And in being a teacher I feel like 
I'm always fortunate enough to be a student to   continue to learn from the students that I have. 
So with my electrical media practice it spans   a lot of different mediums. But it generally 
started from a project called Ojo Oro which   I created while a graduate student at NYU's 
interactive telecommunications program. And this   was a dream project for me because I grew up as 
someone that loved photography and taking pictures   and documenting moments.

But also having a really 
beautiful experience with digital photography, but   an even more beautiful experience with analog 
photography. And I wanted to create something   that kind of blended both of those worlds. So in 
being someone that just loved the aesthetics of   different cameras especially film cameras, I feel 
like there's a lot more attention to the craft   and the design of them versus digital cameras 
at the time. Now digital cameras are trying to   mimic the aesthetics of a film camera, but at the 
time they were like these kind of bulky machines.   And so I wanted to create something that kind 
of had the best of both worlds in that it was   operated digitally but it mimicked the film-like 
experience. So with this camera people would use it,   it would take digital pictures, and then 
it was also thinking about fashion   of it being a sort of wearable device. You're 
wearing it around your neck, so why not have it   be something that's complementary to your outfit. 
And then these are the different photos that it   would take.

So it's digital but it's randomly 
applying film-like filters onto the photos   to create this sort of distortion and 
colorfulness. And that's where the name   Ojo Oro comes from which is spanish for goldeneye. 
So it's meant to be a tool that allows you to   realize your artistry in a way where you're not 
scared of the end result. There's no mistake or   error, just everything that comes 
out of it is something to be treasured. And so then   I continued expanding on that work and creating 
sound sculptures, being really excited about how   music could be created in new forms.

And so 
I would create these sculptures that would   allow people to engage them and turn different 
knobs and that would then change the frequency   or other forms in this. And so that continued 
to expand as in the form of a series of work.   One more recent series of work or body of work as 
far as sound sculptures is in the name of   Electro Negro Synesthesyo. So this is a compilation of different sound sculptures that are all rooted   in afro or black cultural artifacts. And so being 
obviously a black person and loving black culture   and all the different artifacts that we have 
in it, but also very attentive to the fact that   a lot of different cultural artifacts, black 
culture artifacts, when worn on black bodies   have a negative stigma to them and they're seen 
as something negative stereotypically and or   unprofessional or whatever it is. Specifically when 
worn on a black body, but when one on other bodies   it seems it seems as trendy or cool.

So for me I'm 
thinking a lot about what is the future of black   culture outside of the white gaze. And it allows 
where it's able to express itself and define   itself on its own terms. So through this, I've 
created these sound sculptures where I'm using   these different cultural artifacts that have such 
negative stigmas but recontextualizing them   and placing them in a sort of future
where as people engage with them and their sound interactive   they then are able to enter this new world. So when 
touching things like the hair rollers or the   do-rag or the bamboo earrings, you hear new 

Or even in touching the braids   you hear them plays sounds in response 
to it. And I'm also thinking about, there's this   notion that you should never touch a black 
woman's hair or black person's hair period.   It can often be a very degrading act. But 
I'm thinking what if it wasn't because it was   degrading, but more of it was because, you know, the 
the being the black being is too magical to touch,   but if you do touch it you're entering this 
new world.

So in creating this artifact I was   exploring that. And then as you change the 
different afro picks, it's not a sound tool   it's actually I've embedded the sort of digital 
DNA inside of each afro pick. So as you change   the afro picks on that bed it then changes the 
visuals that would be projected on the wall.   Another more recent project is Metamorphosis. I 
created this during the summer and just hearing   the sounds of protests non-stop all 
throughout the summer and wondering what   is everything that we're going through, 
doing to our bodies. And so thinking a lot about   healing modalities and digital healing modalities 
with us being in a remote era.  So how turmoil and pain affect our body. Thinking about that scientifically and spiritually.   And so I wanted to create a space. 
I was also thinking about epigenetics as being   a being. Epigenetics is an experience that 
your body has without you physically having.   Its ancestral sort of experience that you have that's 
embedded within you. And so when we're constantly   going through these tragic experiences that's 
altering the way that we navigate through the   world in our dna.

So I wanted to think of is it 
possible to have a reversal of those negative   epigenetics and create a positive epigenetics 
and do that through sound and color. So with this   called in that it's a change, 
it's a larger change within our dna structure   through frequency and the modulation of frequency 
creates this experience where as you enter this   space and listening to different sounds that tie 
directly to different energy chakras, those would   then potentially do some sort of reversal of 
the negative epigenetics. And so I did a lot of   research and studying sound and how that impacts  the body and setting its relation to   different chakras or energy centers. And then also 
had known about African drum pattern music and   that having been a tool to carry black people 
and African people through pan-African revolutions   through drum sounds. So I wanted to blend both 
of those to create this audiovisual experience.   And so thinking also about the architecture 
of the space and moving through it   and the psychogeography and its curved walls 
allowed for relaxation calmness.

And so using   those tactics inside of the space and then in 
being a sound artist creating    all the music and blending it all together. And 
producing it to create this environment which I  designed in cinema 4d and then exported it into a 
web VR environment where also thinking about again   psychogeography of higher ceilings. These are 
things that we often experience when we're in a   cathedral or a space of such significance. So also 
placing that inside of this space if you feel like   you're in a place that's really important and then 
as you navigate through it you feel like this cycle, a cyclical kind of relationship 
between you and the sound and the environment   as you move through and enter these different 
sphere areas. And then each section has its own   music that's being played in that area alone and 
each of those areas are designated for each of the   different energy centers. And so in continuing 
this, I've been exploring a lot about creating   in web VR and virtual environments. And this is 
a more recent project that I'm still developing   that I'm presenting at Sundance this year in their 
online environment, and it's called An Alchemy of Celestial Florilegia.

And so this is thinking about time being a very spherical thing.   It exists and there are alternate 
realities and this idea of existentialism.   And what does it mean to exist? What does it mean 
to understand language outside of the written   or oral kind of passage of language? 
And so it's a huge montage of just   generally like a surrealist and existentialist 
kind of understanding of the world.   And so I'm going to move even quicker through 
this research and pedagogy that we can go into   and then go into Aphrodite.

So I can go into a Q&A. 
So as I mentioned a lot of my work is built off of whole-   it's built off of research. And I really 
enjoy researching and understanding what people   have done in the past and using that as a tool 
it's a designing feature. So a lot of my work   is very interdisciplinary which I found a lot 
of similar relationship in my work as   people like Stuart Brand and Victor Papanek have had in their own work of being very whole system thinking,   of not focusing strictly on one facet 
of life, but thinking about a lot of different   parts of the world and how they all 
have a relationship between each other.   So things like the whole earth catalog and Victor 
Papanek's work on politics for design have been   really great resources for me.

And often 
times when I'm engaging in this research and   Omni-specialized design, I'm outputting it in the 
form of a presentation like this where I'll   talk about a lot of the different areas that I've 
explored and how I'm bringing them all together,   or they will take in the form of courses. 
So I design courses at NYU and and teach them.   And a few of them have been 'The Revolution Will 
Be Digitized' where we're thinking about technology   but in a holistic and comprehensive form where 
it's not just about computer science, but it's   about economics and sociology and public policy 
and ecology and media and military. Or with Designing Club Culture which kind of the flip side of creative technology or electoral media in that   it's not entirely about the social impacts of 
tech in a negative kind of way, but more of like   what has been allowed to exist,
because we have had access to election media.   So how counter-culture movements have used 
technology through various forms to create   these kind of disco scenes and people have been 
able to champion and realize their own kind of   utopias within these spaces.

And a more recent 
course that I'm teaching is called   Afrotectopian Ecologies which is also very interdisciplinary kind of approach of combining a lot of different   areas of research that I've been exploring and 
kind of putting them all together into a course   where we're understanding so many different 
aspects of the world but within a few weeks.   And so and then also 
the research also takes forms in writing essays.   I'll publish essays online about things 
like radical technoculture, racial equity, or   'Building a Museum 350 Theories 
in the Future', or a whole essay on   Omni-specialization in design for beautiful 
futures. And so what I've been working on and   what I have had the support over the past summer 
with ibeam as a fellow and now going into this   new year with the support from Onyx in their 
new kind of new media virtual reality kind of   space and membership kind of thing with the new 
museum is thinking of how can I translate all of this research into a virtual environment  where I'm thinking about the architecture not only information architecture   but also the architectural kind of renderings of a space in a digital space.

So thinking about the internet 
not so much as a tool, it's a linear tool if you   get from point a to point b, but moving away 
from that and allowing for spontaneity and   exploration. And not as a linear tool but an 
explorative tool. And so as you enter the space you   would then find different portals that are leading 
you to environments that have information on a   variety of different ideas like quantum mechanics 
and sound design or environmentalism and diamonds. And so that's a more recent work 
that I'm building out and working on.   But I'm also, as the founder of Afrotectopia, thinking 
a lot about not only virtual digital environments,   but also communities and people and how we 
can create spaces that cultivate imagination   and creativity and, you know, 
artistic stimulation and design stimulation.   And so Afrotectopia has taken the form of a 
lot of different things.

It started off as a   new media festival and it's expanded. It started 
as a new media festival. I was a graduate student.   I created it there, and it has expanded into 
being an alternative adult school.   So last year we held 10 different classes 
hosted by Verizon media. We also had a more recent   conference or more recent festival. We had 
last year at Google and this year we're going   to have our- this year in the midst of a four week 
long alternative adult school called Fractal Fête   which is thinking a lot about a whole bunch of 
ideas around art, design, black culture, technology,   and activism. And we also just wrapped 
up an international cohort fellowship   where we were thinking about ways that we can use 
technology and design and art to mitigate racial   disparities and create these new worlds. And so 
with Fractal Fête which is happening right now   we have 20 different amazing and brilliant 
black presenters and pan-African presenters in the   spaces open exclusively to black and pan-African 
people where we're just giving each other the   space to explore, process and understanding, 
you know, the behind the scenes for different   creators and the things that they're thinking 

And have this kind of open dialogue so   that we can get to know each other and build with 
one another and explore new possibilities. And so   generally the work with Afrotectopia has just 
been to build a micro-community of imaginative   innovators where it's really important for 
us to have spaces where we can come together   and explore and imagine. And to collaboratively 
develop healthy black futures where we're   not leaving that responsibility to other people, 
but we're taking the agency within our own hands   and designing it for ourselves. And to share all 
of our research it's really about being as open   source as possible and making sure that 
anyone that doesn't have access to our space   or our community in person or virtual can at least 
have access to the work that we're building. And the biggest and the most important 
thing has been to plant seeds for radical black imagination. So how can we create spaces 
for people to just imagine and dream and place   themselves in the future and work backwards from 
there and create new forms and really really   lean into their agency.

So I think I actually 
talked a little too fast. I was worried about   time, but that's where I am. So we can maybe have a longer time for Q&A.    Ari thank you so much. This is great. We do have oh probably five to ten minutes for Q&A.    So I'll pull from the discord. 
I'm juggling a couple computers here   but maybe the first question I have 
for you just is to think about   in the festival Art&&Code Homemade 
sort of what we were thinking of by homemade   and the curatorial, you know, advisors were also talking to me about this was not just necessarily   homemade like, you know, apple pie or something like this but really that one would be making technologies   for different audiences.

Perhaps in gift 
cultures or, you know, technologies that one   would make for oneself, one's friends, one's family, one's community, maybe even one's ancestors.   And I wonder if you could speak to that notion of who the technologies are for when you think about   in your thinking about Afrotectopia,
and it's trying to sort of instill or   create a space for black technological 
imagination. Is this about, you know,   helping create black innovators who are going 
to make technologies that are going to be   mass-produced? Or is it about sort of helping 
people create technologies for themselves   and their friends and family? Or is it sort of all of that? How do you imagine who consumes and produces the 
technologies from these?   Yeah I think  it's really also one thing that I started off 
the fellowship with and you see the fellows   in the lower right corner.

It was grounding 
the work and making sure that they understand   what Afrotectopia stands for, which is one that we understand that and we believe that   technology is merely an extension of 
human capability. So I think we definitely   need to get away from this idea that technology is synonymous with computing and digitality like   it has to be in this electric form. But it's 
simply understanding that technology has always   existed around us and it's something that's been 
innate in things like ancestral intelligence and   the way that indigenous people have operated 
with the land and worked with the land.   So I think for one it's making sure that it's creating a community that understands   their capability and agency and understands 
that the way that their ancestors have   practiced all along have been what we've needed for technology in general and going forward.   But it's also a space where we're thinking a 
lot about not assuming that blackness   is a monolith because, as you can see with the fellows here, the fellows were coming from all over the world for one   and they have a lot of different ethnicities.

So some of them- one of them was   Haitian in other words French, another is Ghanaian, like they're coming from all over.   And though we have this shared idea of an 
identity of blackness, we have very different   understandings of what blackness means and the ways that we engage and practice with it.   So it's also creating that kind of environment, but yeah I think for who's it for it's really just for people that are interested in being curious and exploring and realizing new potentials   and ways to express themselves digitally if they 
want to, or also outside of digital forms.   But it's really just for people that are just 
curious and want to learn more about the world.   Another question coming from the chat is 
do you have places that you think would be most   impactful to share this work or that,
you know, you fantasize about? Like the goal,   the holy grail would be to present this work like the question says 'like would x   audience really get it or audience y at this 
place should really be experiencing this'?   I don't think I've 
ever been asked that kind of question.   Because I present these in all different kind of spaces, I think    the goal for me like what I would love to do 
in presenting the work of Afrotectopia is to present   it to schools that are predominantly black.

Like  elementary schools and middle schools   and high schools that are predominantly black in their population. I think that excites me the most.   Often times this work I'm presenting in areas that are like more predominantly white or something else. So I think for me that would-
Because that's why this was created. I created this because    I grew up as someone that loved technology but was never a technologist it was more of an end user.   So I never saw myself in this space at 
all. So this was created because we need to be   able to see each other and we don't know we need to know that these are things that we're capable of doing. And if we had access to it, these are 
things that we would be doing. So just being able to see each other is the most important part of it. Yeah, something I've told the speakers is, you know, to give the talk that you would like to see. And, you know, it's been said you can't beat if you don't see it. And that can mean a lot of things, you know.

In one case, it's simply like the kind of way that 
you work across so many different disciplines.   I've mentioned several times in the 
festival like this permission to be hybrid   is so latent and embedded in your 
work. And to see of course, you know, many different kinds of approaches 
to technology being done here as well.   There's a question on the the chat about, this is less about Afrotectopia more about like   the physical things that you've shown, what's 
informing the aesthetic choices you've made in   your physical work? There's a question about 
like the, you know, someone says I'd like   to hear more about the influences and intentions behind the beautiful visual design language that   you that you have across your work.
Where have you drawn from to make these?   I think, well thank you 
that's a kind question. I think I'm not sure where really where it comes from. I remember being in art school in undergrad and   I was was always the only one that was 
using a lot of color and everyone else was kind   of using these minimal monochromatic kind of color palettes.

And and just having conversations with   other people I realized and even just with my 
family, I realized that that maybe is something   that's more Caribbean or whatever it 
is. Like my family is from the Caribbean.   I'm Dominican American. So it could be that 
maybe it's just kind of like a cultural thing   that just kind of comes in. Because for me color 
is really important and creating a space that   just feels vibrant I think allows people 
to feel very excited. But yeah I don't know   where the other parts come in. Also I think 
it's also just like this ancestral intelligence   again of like the things that you kind of 
do, which it's just stuff that you're-   it's just in your DNA I guess.

And for me patterns 
are really important. I love to blend together   different patterned aesthetics and 
create these new shapes and balance between   complexity and kind of simplicity. So I don't know, I think it's kind of a mix of that   of just color and patterns are really important to me. I think this will probably be our last question.   It's again from the discord. Oh there's a 
couple. But this one is where and when or   where and/or when will there be opportunities 
to experience the Metamorphosis virtual space?   And also following on that, did you 
incorporate any of the thinking of the   work of Dr.Nadine Burke Harrison ACEs 
which is adverse childhood experiences.   No but I'm going to write that name down. That 
sounds really interesting. It's in the chat as well. So is there a plan to exhibit or for people to experience the Metamorphosis virtual space? It's live now.

You could go to and you'll be able to move   through the space. But in just being asked that 
question I've never really thought about   exhibiting it outside of the website. But I  
think that would be a really really really cool opportunity.    And who are some people who are working on technology for activism or   just other technological approaches in terms of 
the way that that you think are aligned with what   you are intensely interested in or that you feel 
align with or whose work you admire and that we should look into? Do you want to give a shout out to anyone? Oh there's so many.

There's every   speaker that's presenting at Fractal Fête. You 
can look at that. And yesterday we had Ash Baccus-Clark. And the day before that we had Onyx Ashanti. So yeah you could definitely look at that lineup and find a lot of them.   Thank you so much for sharing your energy and work and   objectives with us Ari. It's really 
inspirational and it's really important work   for this kind of thing to happen and for 
people to see it. It's lovely seeing you   again and I hope you get to enjoy some more 
of the festival too.

Yes, thank you for having me..

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