Friday 20 August 2021

Rhythm in 5 | Simple Djembe Tutorial | Moribayassa | Monette Marino – Keita

welcome women of rhythm monette marino nasira 
keita and we're here to demonstrate an african   rhythm from west africa from guinea played by 
the malinkay people and this rhythm is played   specifically when a woman makes a promise to god 
that if god answers her prayer she will dance   this rhythm and it's called moribayasa so 
real quick for those of you that don't know   anything about this instrument this is called 
a djembe these are the dunun and the djembe   there are three sounds that you're gonna 
get the first is in the center of the drum   that's called a base the next 
one is on the side of the drum that's called a tone and the third one is 
also on the side of the drum but you relax   your fingers a little bit more and it's called 
a slap slightly higher pitch so we're going   to use all three notes in this rhythm you're 
going to start with bass on your dominant hand   tone on your dominant hand 
tone on the non-dominant hand   face again on the dominant hand and a slap 
on the dominant hand put them all together   and that's your rhythm mori bayasa so let's 
play it together with our dunun pattern   and we'll start slow so you can play along 
with us and then we'll bring it up fast for you   there's a signal that i play that's a fancy 
way of counting to four goes like this thank you if you want to learn more about 
the classes that we teach you can visit our   website which is mo rhythm 
and also visit our youtube channel where   we have lots of demonstrations that you can 
follow along and that is mo rhythm on youtube bye

learn djembe here – click

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