Monday 16 August 2021

Jojo Mayer guest lesson and interview – Drum Expo 2013

what time is it quarter past 4:00 okeydoke let's go to my dad hi how you doing my name is Jojo Mayer it's about 4 o'clock in the morning it's been like a really long day and we just ended up here and as you might have heard a couple of days ago I got the news that my friends and former mentor Jim champion has passed away and I want to use this opportunity to you know play a little tribute and tell you a little bit about how I met Jim and initially how he got me into a different set of awareness about what I was doing technically so I met Jim in the new in the mid-80s at a Drum Festival and we were hanging out I was performing was one of the first fast drum festivals where I was actually playing I must have been a 24 and it was me sonia marie Vinnie was there and Jim was there and I knew of Jim's work I knew his like advanced technique for the modern drummer Vinnie at that point but I didn't know what Jim looked like so however at some point we all got together and we had dinner and I started to talk to beanie and I asked him for some technical advice and as a matter of fact he said like why do you talk to me like you know you should talk to this gentleman because he's the master and he introduced me to Jim Chapin which then you know started to go right away and hurl all his knowledge at me you know and make a long story short we ended up at some point like in a hotel room and I don't know 4 o'clock in the morning with a minibar you know getting like ravage and we talk about everything about Buddy Rich and you know the old times and this and that and this and its own boy well Jim said well let me take a look at your hands you know and you started to give me the introduction really on the molar concept which you might you might know I I dedicated a big chapter of that and my current DVD secret weapons for the mother drummer and which is showcases a little more like of a hybrid or a modernized version of the molar technique because I kind of deconstructed it and I made a little bit more fit the way um my like a yeah it's just like I modernized it basically so I want to just show you a little bit james original approach you know like the way it was Howie I mean with I just can give you the surface the surface a little bit but just to show you I have an idea this was really you know what happened you know it's like I never rent formal drum lessons with Jim you know it was basically dad you know and that like half hour or 15 minutes kind of changed my life back in the days like I I was a risk player and I played you know I use finger but basically it's what I did I play from here you know if I need to play an accents I just went like okay I didn't really use the whipping motion which the molar technique is built on so Jim really showed me how to loosen my grip a little bit because I was playing like this really that was my fault room and Jim showed me to use this type of grit right now what's kind of like a little bit like this which in certain countries you should not do I think it's super noisy should be should be okay around here however this is an old American military grip where you grip the stick at the fulcrum with those two fingers right so Jim showed me this this type of grip and now Jim played from more from a radius older rotation which is defined by this motion as opposed to this motion now as I was more of like a wrist player I kind of like adapted that stroke a little bit you know so um we don't really have the time for this to do right now because it's very detailed process so if you want to know further what I did with the technique check out secret weapons however Jim use the stroke that went bit like this okay now what he did he he showed me how to wind up from that motion like let me let me show this to you like that you know go from disposition and like let's say like and like if if this was a clock and this was 12 o'clock there was a six o'clock like swimwear from where you see it like okay this so basically is what this would be six o'clock this would be twelve o'clock so he would wind up this thick you know stay in this position and anything like a 4 o'clock position go into a 3 o'clock position and then wind up this thick as if you if you if you would be pulled up by like an invisible string you know so you have to stick dangling in this with this grip right like you know as if as if it was you know if it wasn't like a magnetic tip that can't give it a little drag okay now very important like in the in the traditional Moeller technique and probably also in like the more modern more it's important that you don't turn your hand out but you keep it inside okay so like Sanford Moeller always said like I don't want to see the inside of your palm so keep that towards yourself that's very important so you got the elbow and the wrist up there now what you do you just drop your elbow and then the rest follows it's kind of like a chain reaction okay that's the basic molar stroke so it's like one two three all right one two three right one two three so it's basically that type of motion like you just go this goes out first and everything else follows so it's emotion that comes from the back that goes to the front blam and it's not like this it's this that's a really really old concept like if you watch I call the players they do the same thing calling the players don't do that it's like that right a lot of times there sometimes is that but however so to learn how to you know like the stick just you know that utilize a power that was developing from from the the back of my arm and when to the front really changed my playing drastically so basically once you understand this motion right you can start to let the stick bounce okay now as I said Jim played more like in this position right so this went straight I play more like this right so James thing was like now you can start with it this three different things like there's like the full molar which is why it showed you that's the half molar which is a smaller motion and there's a low molar which is just like that so I will show you the low molar to like start out with you know it's basically you just pop up your wrist a little bit right and from Barrett you drop it and you let the stick bounce as many times as it goes from boxes 1 2 3 4 5 4 1 2 3 4 or 1 2 3 you can do like 1 2 3 and you wind up you're ready for the next stroke on two three one two three one two three one two three one two three one two three one two three one okay that's the basic concept for like that mojo the left hand the traditional is very similar one two three one two three so of course you can start to bat motion also like make sure you don't see the inside of that hand alright that motion and Jim showed me how to interlace those techniques just go like just basically just so basically all I'm playing is right with three or four three so this straight for accented you know any for like accident single strokes so you can always always recognize that whipping motion which goes like that however if you want to check out the modernized version which is more like uses like more like a circle of motion you should check out like my my video because it's a little bit more complex than the formal way to do that you know which is really playing more a sideways it's kind of more like actually the same thing as with a traditional grip is that sort of motion so like really the traditional execution and the magic of execution are very very similar actually like that oh this is different than this okay but that's the way Jim plays that's the way Jim play like that I know I don't do that anymore I play like that but the principle applies to many many many different grips you know so it's really I think I highly recommend you know like check out all of James work I mean he made a video and he made a school and you know know where he came from basically you know like yeah he was just a great guy you know and you know I I hope you know this this little thing like demonstration brings you a little bit closer to him and friend like everybody that had you know the privilege to meet Jim will know exactly what I'm talking about and you know if you didn't meet him you know that's like that's what happened you know like it was here you know what a glass of wine and a pad and you know that was a great gift for like Jim to me and the great gift also to to to to be in possession of really good knowledge and to generously like pass it on to you know the next guy and this is actually what I'm trying to do here so I hope this is useful for you you know or it gives you like an incentive to check out more about it you know I hope you enjoy that I know I gotta go to sleep all right good night

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