Saturday 28 August 2021

Bomb Blast Beats Coordination drum lesson – James Payne

Hi guys welcome to a new episode today
we're going to talk about bomb blast beats bomb blasts are basically blast
beats but we will play thirty-second notes on the bass drums which means that
instead of alternating snare and kick we're going to play thirty-second notes
with our kick drums and the snare on top of it there are different ways to play
the bomb blast depending on if we want to have a more faster feeling when
we use this having the snare drum on the upbeat or a lay back feeling having
the snare drum on the downbeat which usually doesn't give that kind of
feeling of going even faster how having the snare drum on the upbeat does to
have the perfect control of the bomb blast we have to first of all as we
usually do in the coordination exercises have to know which part of the body it's
going to be the guide of everything and which part of the body instead it's
going to play on top of it since we're going to play many notes with our bass
drums the easiest thing is to keep the bass drums as reference and then we
will play the hands on top of this so here we can choose it to kind of
technique that we want to use for our bass drums I usually use depending on
the speed leg motion if it's a slow kind of motion heel up if it's
in a medium kind of speed and the swivel technique if I go very fast in that way
I don't feel any stress I don't feel tired I don't get tired while I play
very fast so I suggest you to kind of figure out this before starting the bomb
blast because if not you will have hard times executing this since it's very
exhausting because all our limbs are going to play thirty-second notes and
everything is going to be very fast so once we have that let's
start to understand what kind of bomb blast we can play let's try I will
play a very slow I will play very slow every kind of bomb
blast that we can do so that you guys have an idea and then we will speed it up
and we'll understand how to work on coordinating and controlling the bomb
blast so so as you can see there are different solutions but really there are only three solutions which means alternated hands having the snare drum
on the upbeat unison hands having the snare drum on the downbeat alternated
hands having the snare drum on the downbeat again having the snare drum on
the upbeat still gives you that feeling of going faster even faster than the
blast beats probably because of the bass drum being so fast but having the
snare drum on the down on the upbeat sorry
in my opinion sometimes gives can also give a feeling of being more laid-back
giving a very fast feeling with the bass drums but the snare drum it's like it's
laying back on the track I don't know it's just a feeling that it gives to me
but of course then depending on how you musically adapt and apply the bomb blast
it will be different so now that we know what kind of bomb blasts or how we can
use the bomb blast and which are the different solutions to play it we have to
figure out the most important part which is how to
coordinate and have control of it so first of all we have to understand which part
of the body is the one that will be the guide and which part of the body is
going to be the one that will play on top of that guide since the bass drum is
going to be very steady and we're going to play many notes with the bass drum
probably the easiest thing is to have the bass drum as a reference or at least
this is how I do it and it really helps me to not lose where the one is and not
go out of you know the bars and playing the exact amount of notes that I want to
play and so I will start working on the bass drum first having the bass drum
notes very even and being able to play very fast and without getting too tired
because we're going to play many notes as I was saying before so this can be
very exhausting very quick so once we have that we can start thinking of
putting the hands on top of this so the first bomb blast we're going to work
on is going to be unison hands having the snare drum and the ride on the
upbeat so the easiest way to work and learn to play this type of bomb blast is
to think of our right foot and our hands playing unison so in this way so thinking the bomb blast in this way
will help us to having to think only of one thing when we play when we use three
parts of our body so it's like our right hand left hand and right foot
becomes a one thing that we have to think about and our left foot becomes
the second part which will still be playing in reference to the right foot
doing alternated strokes so it's like if instead of thinking of four things we
think of two so the unison part of our body
plus the alternated left foot so I'll play one bar of the actual bomb blast
and then one bar of where I put my concentration so that you can hear what
I hear while I play this so in this way for me it's way easier to
control everything that's going on I know exactly where my hands should play
and they don't move around the bass drums and the whole thing doesn't go
around the BPM the click track but it stays exactly where I want it to
stay so the first workout to work on this
bomb blast it's going to be play four bars alternating one bar playing only
right foot and unison hands and one bar playing the the left foot alternated to
the right foot so what I just played for four times and then four bars of rest
playing just regular sixteen notes with the bass drum and simple a simple think
on your with your hands you can also choose to you know play something else
but this will allow you to not get tired like immediately doing this workout but
having four bars of rest and four bars of pushing on the bomb blast will allow
you to work on this for way longer and we will play with our right hand on the
ride first and left hand on the snare and then we will switch playing
the right hand on the snare and the left hand on the hi-hat doing exactly the
same thing but switching cymbals basically the second part of the workout instead
it's going to still be alternating four bars of bomb blasts four bars of rest so
playing a simple groove slow so that we can rest every four bars but we will
alternate we will keep our bass drums going and we will alternate one bar of
playing the bomb blasts with our hands on top of it one bar of rest with our
hands keeping the bass drum going then we will do the same exact thing but
we will keep playing our hands and we'll alternate one bar of playing the bass
drums one bar of resting the bass drums in this way okay so in this way we will learn how to
control every kind of combination for the bomb blasts so we will be able to
just play the right foot and then alternate and add the left foot we will
be able to keep the bass drum going and put the hands on top of it or keep the
hands going and put the bass drum on top of that and in this way we will create a
lot of references but also we already have more than three or four different
solutions and different ideas to use in our songs so it's also good for a
creative matter because we learn how to play different things in different type
of bomb blast then the same kind of workout we will do it with alternated
hands instead of having unison hands so, our goal of course it's going to be that we want
to work on endurance and like being allowed to and being able to play these
for as long as possible and speed so in time we want to work on speed this up
putting a click track also and raising the speed and then playing four bars of
bomb blast and then one bar of the alternated exercise that we're doing so
for example in these two ways so as you can see I was playing four
bars of the actual bomb blast and then one bar of just unison kick right kick
and hands or four bars of bomb blast keeping the hi-hat and
upbeat and then one bar of bass drum without the hands on top of it so from
here a very nice thing that I like to use sometimes it's when I apply the
bomb blast is breaking down the bass drum patterns to whatever usually what
the guitar is doing so basically instead of playing a break down
keeping the back beat on the snare I play the break down keeping the bomb
blast with my hands which creates kind of like a very dynamic bomb blast I will
just do an example and you can imagine guitars playing on top of the bass drums
but I think this is a very cool way of using the bomb blast so yeah you can become very creative
with this also changing you know the hands you can keep quarter notes 16
notes 5 whatever you want on top of this we will probably work will do another
lesson on working on different combinations that you can use on top of
the bomb blasts but you can you know build your own yourself and have fun
with this have a good practice and I'll see you next week

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