Saturday 28 August 2021


I was just thinking
that sometimes, when around people, it's very embarrassing to leave a group
to use the bathroom. Well, when you need to pee,
you just say it. However, when you need
to do more than pee, that is to say you need to [honka honka],
well, you never say it. So he bought a motorcycle and the thing is,
it was too heavy for him, so he could not —
but yeah, that's it! Well, Norman,
where are you going? Oh, I'll be right back,
there is something I need to do. But what do you mean,
you're going to do something? There is something I need to do, I will be right back!
>> Come on, tell us, it is not difficult! You can tell us!
>> Answer, Norman!
>> What do you want to do? Fine, OK, I am going to poop! Just like that! Is that fine? Everyone knows?
Can I go now? Thanks! It's true that it's shameful
to go [honka honka].

That is the reason why
I try to pretend that every time I go
to the restroom, it's to pee. Smart! When I visit a girl,
I never go [honka honka], because if I'm scared of one thing, it's
that the flush does not work anymore. Oh no! Because then,
you will necessarily have to tell her! Hey Vanessa, hum… I think your flush
does not work anymore. Yeah, it's broken.
>> Oh! So how do I… Well, I'llll show you.
>> No, no, I'll do it myself. No, don't worry about it!
>> No, no, but in fact, you should not go! OK. So you are the one that… ?
>> Yeah. Yeah, that's me. This woman will never sleep
with you in her life! If one day that happens to me,
I will flee the country! In fact, when you are in a relationship,
at the beginning, it is always embarrassing to use the toilet
while your girlfriend is there, because it ruins the romance. However, there are little methods
that can be used, two in particular. The first is to put as much TP as possible
at the bottom of the toilet bowl.

Very classic! The second that we all have used is to
turn on very loud music so that all the noises are covered up. I am coming, I'll be right back. But at that moment,
I am always scared that the music will end
right at the crucial moment. Noooooooo! And then, when you are in a relationship,
there's always the question of the toilet lid. It's damn annoying, because
when I don't put it up, I'm told: Norman, you could
at least put the lid up! And when I put it up,
I'm told: Norman, you could
at least put the lid down! So I found a solution:
the half-up lid. Fortunately, smartphones
managed to achieve what women have been trying to
do for almost 100 years: make men pee sitting down. Maybe you don't know,
but at the urinals, we don't only pee.
We also play games. Yes! 500 points!
Good evening. Tss! Another thing that's very embarrassing
when you are on the toilet, is when you receive
a professional call on your cell phone and you have to answer. You know, in that case,
you can't say you are on the toilet.

You know, it's not professional. Hello?
>> Mr. Thavaud, I hope I'm not bothering you? No, you don't,
but right now, I am pooping. Hey, truly, I really, really need to.
Can I call you back later? Especially because some
fart sounds could be heard. One time, I answered the phone just like that.
I really should not have. Yeah, very well, do you have
something to write with? Right now,
I can't write, no. Why is that? Because I don't know how to write. I can only read, in fact. I only attended half of my elementary school years. I don't know if you had the chance
to try public toilets in cities, but the guys that designed them were smart,
they had the great idea to add a little voice that comments on your flush
choice as you leave the stall. Cleaning in progress.
You selected the high-volume flush. Congratulations, you really must have needed it. See you next time in the public toilets! Yes, this is the toilet's little voice talking to you.

Apparently, you have picked
the high-volume flush. You are live on the radio!
Congratulations! That's why I don't even use
public toilets, in fact. I pee on the street,
like a big pig. Share my video
on your Facebook wall. Swag! Swag! Swag! Swag "de poule"! A speech! A speech! A speech! At that moment,
I become very shy and the only speech
I can think of is: hum, thanks!
>> Yeah!.

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